What time is it now: midnight o' five.
Your name: Whatever you want it to be.
Your nickname: I don't have any.
Your online name: hyporeal
Your sex: Manchild.
Your age: now moot
Your sign: Scorpio
Your height: 6'1" or so
Your weight: I have no idea.
Hair color: Right now it's white.
Eye color: Blue.
Hair length: The top is almost to my chin. The undercut is severe and belligerent.
Do you wear glasses: No.
Are your teeth straight: Yes.
Do you have freckles: No.
Do you have a fake tooth: No.
Do you have a fake eye: No.
Do you draw fake moles on yourself: No.
Highest level of school: High.
Do you work: Not anymore.
How do you dress: Perfectly.
Do you smoke: Like a bastard.
Do you drink: As much as possible.
Do you do drugs: Drugs do me.
Do you have friends: Yes.
Do you have online friends: A couple.
Do you like your friends: Yes, or they're not friends.
Do you like your online friends: Yes.
Got any kids? No.
Got any pets? No.
Got a car? No.
Live on your own? No.
Live with your 'rents? No.
Type of music: Anything theatrical. Or damned good pop.
Actor: Gary Oldman, Alan Cumming, Johnny Depp, Gregory Peck, Jean Reno, Ron Perlman, uh
Actress: Marlene Dietrich, Gene Tierney, Beatrice Dalle, Gina Lollabrigida, uh
Movie: City of Lost Children, Prospero's Books, Betty Blue, Leon, hundreds more
Soda: with scotch.
Food: Anything quick that doesn't make me sick, and roast duck.
Car: I don't care.
Hobby: Pleasure
Sport: Hockey. Does sex count?
Musician: I don't know. Johnny?
Artist: Klimt, Manson (no really),
Author: China Mielville, Phillip Pullman, Hunter S. Thompson, Harry Crews, Rupert Thomson
Song: Right now it's Angel Eyes by Frank Sinatra. It changes every few hours.
Color: Duck egg blue. Ok, black. And red.
TV Show: I lost my favourites. I did like Spaced though.
Brand of beer: I'll say Guinness, though it's rare I drink it.
Brand of liquor: Spirits? Stolichnaya, Bacardi, Captain Morgan, Jaeger. If it counts, La Fee.
Brand of smokes: Marlboro, Gitane, Lucky Strike
Brand of drug: Your drugs have brands?
Brand of clothes: Gaultier and Westwood always turn me on.
Record Label: No preference.
Brand of glue: Oh come on.
Online test: ...
Online chat thing: Yahoo, though I never use it. AIM because of the crowd.
Shape: 7 sided star
Texture: Real fur. Soft hair. Real velvet.
Game: Chess
Place: Lower abdomen.
Year: 1792
Holiday: Guy Fawkes. Ha.
Quote: Right now? I wasn't born with enough middle fingers.
Animal: Someone else's.
Sound: A glass cracking from severe temperature change. The gasp when I touch you. Rain.
Book: Picking one would be traitorous.
Drink: Water
Have you lied: Yes.
Do you lie: Yes.
Do you lie often: Yes.
Do you lie to save your own ass: No.
Do you lie to save someone else's ass: In a way.
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your lover: No.
Would you tell a lie that stopped your death but caused the death of your enemy: Yes.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired your friend: Maybe.
Would you tell a lie that let you keep your job but fired "that bitch you work with": Yes.
Have you lied to gain money: Yes
Would you lie to gain money: Yes
Do you enjoy lying to strangers: Yes
Have you ever enjoyed lying to a stranger: Yes.
Do you lie to bums that ask for spare change, saying you have none: No. I just give them a fiver.
Would you dare to lie in the face of evil: Whose definition?
Would you dare to lie in the face of your mother: Ha. Yes.
Would you dare to lie in the face of your God: My god? Hellll no.
Would you lie to get laid: It's never come up.
Have you lied to get laid: Not yet.
Would you lie to get a job: Yes.
Have you lied to get a job: Yes.
Would you lie to get a date: No. Dates are shit anyway.
Have you lied to get a date: No.
Are lies really that harmless: Depends on the lie.
Do you lie on online surveys to make yourself seem super cool: Wouldn't it be sad if I said yes considering how uncool this one is?
If lying is sinful.. are you going to hell: Too late, baby, too late.
Love life
Are you single: No.
Are you with someone: Yes.
Are you married: No.
Are you divorced: No.
Are you "Separated": No.
Are you "on break": No.
Ever been in love: Yes.
Looking back do you regret it: No.
Do you date people you meet online: Date? Not exactly. Fuck? Yes.
Do you date people you meet at bars: See above.
Do you date people: I try not to.
Do you "net date": What the ...
Are you happy with your current status, why: Yes.
Do you have a crush on someone close to you: Yes.
Are you still holding on to the past: Not unless it's pertinent.
Do you agree that Jet Li is a good husband for Shajuana: Jet Li is a good husband for anybody.
The following apply to you?
Witty: Yes
Charming: Yes
Quiet: Yes
Loud: Depends on the stimulus.
Pretty: Yes
Radical: Uh
Sucky: Verb? Yes.
Smart: Yes
Stupid: No
Dumbass: Sometimes.
Ugly: Inside.
Slow: Never
Fast: Always
Talented: I don't know about this one.
Useless: Rarely.
Punk: Ass.
Young: Very
Old: No
Past your prime: No.
You're just reaching your prime: No.
Dashing: Yes.
Daring: Quite
Dainty: No
Powerful: When it matters
Athletic: Rather
Artistic: Not anymore.
Superhuman: haha yes
Sexy: Yes
The following are Good/Bad
Sex: Good
Love: Good
Happiness: Good
Rap: Both.
Pain: Both.
Pop music: Both.
Anime: HISS
TV: Bad.
Country: 40s and 50s, some 60s = good
Metal: Both.
Nu-Metal: Bad.
Death Metal: Eh.
Industrial: Both.
Punk Rock: Iggy? Television? Clash? Good. Blink 182? Offspring? Good Charlotte? Bad.
Easy Listening: GOOD. Mother fucker.
Korn: I've only heard the one song, can't remember it, but the video was well done. Song was kind of shit though.
Murderous Rampages: Good.
Sega: Sonic was uh, good.
Nintendo: Missed it.
Play Station: Don't care.
Game Boy: Never had one.
Chinese Food: Good.
Italian Food: Good.
Japanese Food: Fantastic.
Mexican Food: Good.
Online Quizzes: Rarely good.
Online Surveys: Sometimes good.
What's your deep dark secret: I can't even believe this is on here.
What's your biggest fear: That it was all a big fucking joke.
What's your greatest sexual experience: Filth.
What's your best date ever: I don't even know.
What's your worst date ever: I hate dating, we've gone over this.
What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you: Birth.
Would you make a good candidate for Jerry Springer: Probably not.
You agree that DVD is much better than VHS, right? God. I don't care.
Do you hate America: No. I hate its President and fear culture.
Are you religious? No.
Do you believe in a higher being: Several.
Is every religion wrong except your own? Just about everything is wrong on this rock.
Are you going to hell? I think I have.
Do you like it? Sure.
Do you have any? Not anymore.
Do you make a lot of it? I did.
Do you get your money through illegal ways? Not anymore.
Do you pay taxes? No.
Do you think you shouldn't have to? If I earned, I would pay. I enjoy services.
Who did you get this survey from? Manzin.
What time is it? One.
what time did you go to sleep last night?: I didn't. I passed out sometime around 3:30am.
What was the last noise you heard before you fell asleep?: Bollywood.
The last thing you said?: Aloud? "Twenty Marlboro lights please."
what did you dream about?: I can't remember.
Do you drool or snore when you sleep?: Not unless my nose is blocked, both cases.
When did you wake up?: noon
How did you wake up?: Lights being turned on. Groaning. Complaining.
what's the first thing that crossed your mind when you woke up?: Hate.
When was the last time you took a shower?: Two weeks ago. I kitten bath.
When was the last time you said I Love You to the opposite sex and meant it, family doesn't count: It's been ages. When she went on tour. She's still gone.
Where was the last place you went outside of your house?: Corner store. Six corners away.
Who was the last friend you saw?: The Scot.
Who was the last friend you talked to?: In person? The Scot.
Who's the one person you would die without?: Well, that's pointless, isn't it? I think it answered itself. Twice.
Favorite lyric?: SO many.
Favorite group?: La Familia. Ha, didn't say it had to be a musical group.
Favorite album?: Right now it's Watts' Pigmartyr, but that changes often.
Are you in love anyone right now?: Yes.
Do they love you back?: I hope so.
If you could kill one person, who would it be?: Emil.
How many pillows are on your bed?: Eight.
What color is the bottle of shampoo you use, and what kind is it?: Pearly white and it's John Frieda.
What color is the soap you use and what kind?: Red. Some spicy herbal thing.
What color is your razor?: Silver and mother of pearl.
What kind of deodorant do you use?: Bionsen
What kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?: Issey Miyake, Gaultier, Grey Flannel, Drakkar Noir
Do you use lotion?: Yes.
How long are your nails right now?: Rather.
How old is the computer you're on?: A few months.
Do you believe in God?: Mine? Yes.
How long are the showers you take?: Half an hour or so.
How many showers do you take a week?: Ideally, six or seven.
Do you love your parents?: No.
Do you love your siblings?: No.
What's the worst thing that ever happened to you?: Losing my girl.
When's the last time you cried?: Last week sometime.
Why?: I fell apart, I don't know.
The last time you wished you were dead?: HAHAHAHA
The last time you felt important?: Uh
The last time you felt sad because someone close to you was hurting?: Now.
The last time you screamed?: This afternoon.
Have you ever physically hurt yourself?: Yes.
How smart are you?: Smart enough to know when to check out.
What person are you extremely attracted to, and not just because of looks?: There are a few.
Do you like being outside?: No.
Who do you look up to?: Filth.
Who's the last person that made you cry?: I did.
Where do you want to live?: I don't.
How many scars are on your body?: About 30.
How many people do you love?: Twelve.
( ) go out with me?
( ) give me your number?
( ) let me kiss you?
( ) have sex with me?
( ) play an SM scene with me?
( ) watch a movie with me... even a really sappy one?
( ) let me take you out to dinner?
( ) drive me somewhere/anywhere?
( ) take a shower with me?
( ) be my gf/bf?
( ) have a fling with me?
( ) listen to me if I called you, crying, even if you were out with all of your friends?
( ) buy me a drink if I didn't have money?
( ) take me home for the night?
( ) let me sleep in your bed?
( ) sing car karaoke with me?
( ) sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone?
( ) come and pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?
( ) re-post this for me to answer your questions?
Y = Yes.
N = No.
M = Maybe, depends.
O = Of course.
* = Already have done.