Gallifrey One 2010 Photo Essay!

Mar 07, 2010 00:59

And here we go!

(Click on photos to enlarge)

Matt and I were extremely dorkily excited to be at the con.

Owen, Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Rhys

Diana and Kevin as Rose and The Doctor from Impossible Planet/Satan Pit

A cute femme 5th Doctor

Another Tosh cosplayer (not Alix) and our Owen

Ianto and Rhiannon

Anyone seen Myfanwy?

Matt on his panel (with red eye) and a photo-bombing Doctor friend.

"Costuming as the Doctor" panel

Rhys has two Gwens!

Seeing double!

Owen and Tosh


Tosh, Owen, Ianto

Outtake photos are fun

*SPOILER PIC* - Dead Torchwood peoples

Mini Myfanwy on Ianto's head

Ianto in one of the Children of Earth costumes

Jack and Ianto

A femme 6th Doctor

Rhys, Gwen, Jack. Haha, make up your own caption.

LOL Shenanigans!

Jack loves picking me up ;)

Ianto and a trio of Jack Harknesses

Awesome pic. Too bad Rhys's eyes look possessed.

I dressed up as Lucy Saxon on Friday night. Jessica was my Master.

Amy Pond and the Eleventh Doctor! (my friends Kit and Matt)

My favorite Hoodie!Master at the con. Tell me if you're on LiveJournal if this is you!

My friend Mike as Delgado!Master

Singing "My Way" at karaoke

Blake, Matt, Tony, Phil at karaoke

Matt singing!

Tony and Matt sing it

The "Where the Hell Can Torchwood Go From Here" panel:
Salina, Catie, John Fay, Gemma, Chris Young, Kate Orman

Baby Dalek 1

Sally Sparrow and the Tenth Doctor

Wiggles the Dog as K-9

Are you my Mummy?

From "Arc of Infinity" I think...

Cute Kit as Amy Pond

The Ghostmaker from "From Out of the Rain" episode of Torchwood

Baby Dalek 2

Academy Days Master and Doctor

Elyana asks "Are you my Mummy?"

My friend Rachel as Sally Sparrow. Sorry I didn't get a picture of the full costume. Oh well, she's pretty, that's all you need.

Eight, Three with sunglasses, Novice Haim, and the Brigadier have dinner together.

My friend Vickie as Novice Haim

I found a Gwyneth from "The Unquiet Dead"!

To prove that Catie is actually a woman ;D

Red eyes and matching Gwen jackets

The Eleventh Doctor sells out

YANA Master, Hoodie!Master, Newly regenerated Simm!Master

Slashy picture 1

Slashy picture 2!

Georgia Moffett

Georgia Moffett and Andrew Hayden Smith

Two of the Podshock guys- Louis Trapani and James Naughton

John Fay (wrote Day 4 of Children of Earth) and Ken Deep

Louise Page

Yee Jee Tso and Daphne Ashbrook

Rhys & Gwen, Everything Changes - So proud of my new PC Gwen costume

Dark pic of my friend Scott as the Brigadier. Cool angle though!

"That Iconic Look" panel - Kevin C., Scott, Vickie, Catie, Salina

Closing ceremonies

Here you can see Tommy Knight's kilt made of badges

Breaking down the TARDIS


Whew! Great con!

cosplay, conventions, torchfriends, costumes, gallifrey, pictures, doctor who, torchwood

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