From today's
hatemailapalooza on Daily Kos:
Evolutionist retard, learn some math
Its amazing how stupid you evolutionists are. You dont even have basic math skills and you dont know jack about science. Lets review: the human genome is made of nucleic bases (there are four kinds, which you morons didn't know) and the entire genome is 3 billion bases long. Understand, idiot? OK, so the probability of this genome being randomly generated is (1/4)^3 billion or basically imposible. Please note that even small mistakes in the genome will result in disases like Down syndrome, so there is very little margin for error. In other words MATHEMATICS PROVES CONCLUSIVELY THAT EVOLUTION IS IMPOSSIBLE! Also, according to evolutionist fantasy, humans have been around for millions of years. If mutations have happened this entire time, what are the odds of ALL HUMANS OVER MILLIONS OF YEARS randomly going through the EXACT SAME mutations that are now the human genome? Zero, thats what.
Her'es another thing: the genome of most animals is very similar to humans (something like 97% similar). This means that even if you could randomly create a genome similar to ours, we would be much morelikely to be ducks or ponies or anything besides humans. So why aren't we ducks or ponies? Because we are not the result of some random evolutionary crapshoot, but instead we are divinely created and the similarities in the genomes of all animals are the divine code for life.
Here's the difference between us: I've actually studied biolofgy and such sciences whereas you probably have only read some propaganda leaflet written by the George Soros Evoultionist Lies Institute. But hey, dont feel too bad. Its not your fault your a stupid retard, its your... genes! HA!
P.S. Buy a calculator and learn how to use it.
In most cases I'd just ignore this kind of stupidity. After all a
shocking number of Americans reject the fact of evolution (I have lots of issues with the "believe" wording in that poll, but that doesn't detract from the overall point). But this guy is just hilarious for all his posturing about how much he's studied BIOLOFGY and his grade school understanding of combinatorics and statistics. Ugh...if there's an all loving deity in this universe, this guy is a poe.