Join Me: A Drabble From A Car Ride Home

Jun 28, 2005 22:50

Hey again! *gasp* I wrote more! XD Well, typed is more like it, I did write this out in long hand in one of my many notebooks, but the handwritting is so illegible that I can't distinguish it very well myself. Heh, oh well, I made up for it to the best of my ability... maybe... Much different from my previous story, but I'm hoping you'll all like it anyway.

And I know, I know, I write too little... but my hand was cramping... ^_^;; Will be back within the coming days with another story hopefully. Thanks again to damagedgarden for sending me that song, you rock! X3 *ish listening to it now*

Title: Join Me
Author: Jinhito
Rating: PG?
Spoilers: None that I'm aware of.
Summary: "Does something trouble you today?" He asked, not really bothering with her name, it was just them this afternoon, who else would he be addressing?
Author's Note: Written on the car ride home from Michigan. [6+ hours can drive you crazy enough to write] =3 Approved by Kevin before typing! XD Hinata's just a little disturbed... not pretty, but interesting none the less, I think. Comments and constructive criticism are welcome and loved!

He opened the door for her, it was common-place by now. They would see each other every afternoon, around the same time each day. He would greet her with a quietly reserved nod, cold eyes betraying no hint of emotion, and she in turn would sincerely affirm his acknowledgment.

Manners were to be expected, even in such an intimate setting, they would not forget.

As per the usual, she made her way slowly to the far end of the tatami mat, sitting gracefully onto the floor pillow designated as her own.

He would shut the screen door discreetly after her entry for both their sakes. But it's not like it made a difference, they were just having tea after all. Everyone knew that. There were no secrets in the Hyuuga household.

With the customary ingredients and equipment spread out before her, she would slowly and methodically go through the motions of preparing a tea for him. Most of the time it was a surprise, she often brewed at random.

He didn't mind, having recently learned a method to her madness. Every tea she presented him was often a reflection of her current mood. Just a few days ago had been milk tea. Sweet and warm, coating his insides and leaving a soothing, pleasant feeling to linger.

She must have been rather chipper then.

Today was different though. He hadn't seen her all morning, which was unusual of her tendency to cling to the places she felt safest. Not to brag, but he assumed she felt more relaxed around him than her own father. She also lacked passion behind her movements this day, limbs moving haphazardly and lethargic.

Instead of gently grinding the leaves, she was quite obviously crushing them. Smashing the barest of life out of them, face just as stoic as it had been when she walked in.

Not even bothering to heat the water he had fetched for this occasion, she tossed the mutilated mixture into the tea pot. Waiting hot plate be damned!

She roughly stirred the murky water with a stiff wrist, then sloppily poured his portion into a nearby cup. No signs of awareness had reached her empty eyes yet.

But he had never seen her spill anything before, not in any of their other times of meeting. Sure, she was clumsy around other people outside of the house, but when she put her mind to it, she was the most fluent person he knew.

The sight of her carelessness was somewhat frightening, would have seemed disturbing to any onlooker who knew her like he did. However, he was a man not easily scared.

Not bothering to clean up the mess she'd made, she hastily poured herself a cup, tea dribbling down the porcelain sides. Grabbed it immediately after, not waiting for him to take the first sip and comment on it. Talking would happen later, much later it seemed.

Her current attitude was refuting all forms of conversation. He tired to overlook her actions, not really wanting to make a huge deal out of it and brought the chilly cup to his lips. It smelled bitter and sharp. Disgusting.

He hated cold tea.

She knew that.

Yet somehow she had felt compelled to make this terror to taste buds anyway. But she was too wrapped up in downing her second cup to even notice or care.

Deep long swigs, mouth desperately eager to drown sorrows, she drank greedily, the vile liquid rushing from the corners of her overfilled orifice. He took a slight sip, less rude than she, cursing the nasty after taste that followed shortly after. Gross couldn't describe it.

"Does something trouble you today?" He asked, not really bothering with her name, it was just them this afternoon, who else would he be addressing?

She opened an eye behind the cup, considering just how to answer the question. Opting for silence to be the best choice, she continued to drink her tea like the previous other two.

He regarded her cautiously, lowering his still full cup of her rotten tea from him. His eyes narrowed and he asked again.


There was no visible concern in his voice, but a warning tone danced between the letters. It border-lined an unspoken threat demanding an explanation.

She gulped the remaining fluid at the bottom of her cup, small delicate hands forcing the littler ceramic to tilt her head crudely back. Obvious ignorance to his presence and queries.

They were done here, the three traditional cups of afternoon tea having already been drunk.

"Whatever do you mean Neji-sama?" A breath of, what was that, relief? She placed her cup softly on top of the serving table, sticky mess coagulating from her neglect. He frowned when she stood, not even giving him the necessary effort to excuse herself. Just very plainly sauntering to the door, opening it with a swift motion, and sliding it shut tightly behind her.

Neji sat rigidly in place, only moving moments later to grab the forgotten towel, the one she had not used, to dab up the now tacky liquid spilled over the fine wood surface in front of him. Confused mind replaying all of what had just happened.

He had no idea...

She still sat outside his room, having slid silently to the floor, saline running rivers down her flushed cheeks. Hinata was crying again.

"I hate you..." She inaudibly whispered to anyone but herself. Hands scraping away at the traitorous eyes that could not disguise any emotion she'd ever felt.

The newly placed curse seal on her forehead, stealthily hidden behind a dark fringe of hair, began to burn again.

It was just no match for the even hotter tears dripping lazyily to the floor.

~*~ Owari ~*~
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