Title: Watching In Secrecy Pairing: Hyukjae/Sungmin Rating: PG-13 Summary: AU. Little did he know, someone was also watching him, and waiting for him to watch him back. Extreme fluffy fail. http://pancakerie.livejournal.com/705.html
so cute ^^. Somehow I agree about which one is hurter : being rejected or watching that particular someone in love? Yup, I think it's hurt equally. Both will make me do not want to meet that person kkkkkk XD
Hahaha! I'm glad you think so, it's my first time posting so I didn't expect too many views/comments but hopefully I can get better at writing and make more interesting plots so people will read and its not so cliche~
Yup, I've only watched someone else in love and it does hurt but I'm too scared to be rejected. XD Oh well, single forever I guess!
Comments 2
Yup, I've only watched someone else in love and it does hurt but I'm too scared to be rejected. XD Oh well, single forever I guess!
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