*runs away*
kurasari <--- IT'S ALL HER FAULT I SWEAR!
It's late, and she gave me the plot, so you can STFU now. X|
Title: コーヒー (KO-FI-)
Summary: ( Naruto x hungry + Lee x determined ) x coffee = BAD.
Warnings: CRACK holy omg crackcrackcrack someone kill me pleeeease ....
"Most boring mission ever," Naruto whined, hands behind his head.
"I completely disagree!" his over-enthusiastic companion cried. "Gai-sensei says that these missions build up our strength and stamina and propel us farther along the path of SUCCESS!" Fire seemed to gleam from Rock Lee's eyes.
Naruto just looked at him. "Yeah, sure," he muttered, glancing away at the trees lining the path.
No more than ten steps later, Naruto's stomach growled loudly.
"Hungry?" Lee asked, and was surprised when Naruto shook his head embarrassedly.
"I'm never hungry!" he proclaimed, only to be cut off by his stomach's angry growl. "Eheheheheh ..."
This time, fire truly did bloom in the eyes of Konoha's Green Beast. "I cannot accept this! No brother can go hungry! We must find food!"
Naruto was dragged along in Rock Lee's wake, tears streaming down his cheeks, for a very long time.
Rock Lee's long and arduous search finally culminated in the finding of a small coffee shop in the middle of a town very far off their path. (It was Sunday, you see, and as such many shops were closed.)
"Kou ... fii?" Rock Lee asked, sounding out the unfamiliar word. "What's that? Have you heard of it, Naruto-kun?"
Naruto's stomach growled.
"It's settled!" he declared, eyes aflame. "We will brave the unknown to save you, Naruto-kun!"
Naruto cried. No, really. He cried.
On his first sip of the dark liquid, Naruto almost choked. It was unexpectedly ...
"Bitter?" Lee asked, and the nice shoplady laughed at the identical expressions on the boys' faces.
"That's because you forgot the cream and sugar, sillies!" she chuckled, whisking their cups away from them and dumping disgustingly huge loads of hyperness-inducing substances into them.
Upon the cups' return, Naruto and Rock Lee grabbed their respective drinking vessels and poured the contents down their throats, hoping to overcome the horrible bitter taste. However, they were surprised by the un-bitterness the drinks had aquired. In fact, they discovered that they rather liked the taste of this "koufii" drink.
Grinning, they both raised their cups and called loudly for more. The shoplady, grinning, obliged, never realizing the horror she was about to unleash.
The town was never the same again.
I'm sorry. I really am. XXXXXXXXX|
I'm black Mokona!
XXXHOLiC character selector quiz XP