Now that Claims have closed, we hope all the artists have made some sort of preliminary contact with their Author. If, by the end of next week, the person you are working with still has not replied at all, please send an email to ireversebang @ gmail and we will discuss what to do. A Sign up post for Pinch Hitters will be coming in a few days.
The schedule and upcoming deadlines:
Friday, July 10: Author Check in
Friday, August 7: Author Check in
Sunday, September 13: Stories due
Sunday, September 20: Posting Schedule goes up
Thursday, October 1: Posting begins
Both check in periods will run for a week leading up to the listed deadline. Please do not be late.
Artist - Piece # - Author | Second Author (if applicable)
ameluz71 - 101 - kore_rising
ameluz71 - 102 - beigethecolour
ko_no_yo - 103 - agenttrojie | ba_rabby
kaminagi - 104 - eustacia-vye28.
kaminagi - 105 - sandie_eggo
involuntaryorng - 106 - lindenmae | freakykat
beili - 107 - 12oclockam | scribblscrabbl
beili - 108 - welkin-ring | ragout
beautifulweddin - 109/411 - ohfreckle
beautifulweddin - 110 - ilokheimsins | Cimila
hiomiws - 111 - blorkingelle
hiomiws - 112 - rex_dart | earlgreytea68
monaiyra - 113 - ashe_frost | involuntaryorng
geekbynight - 114/412 - drayad
kateison - 115 - Yumduece | acquiescence_
ideare - 116 - earlgreytea68 | bookaddled
lkaet - 117 - kedgeree11 | mrsdstephens
fennegie - 201 - anne_jumps | burnin_up_a_sun
fennegie - 202 - mrsdstephens
marourin - 203 - redxluna | the-secretsigns
marourin - 204 - letangerine
fruityshirts - 205 - Teardropfires |
lauand - 206 - monochromatia | jackles67
soloproject - 207 - Cimila | xenrae
nikavarta - 208 - sianii_writes | osaki_nana_707
motetus - 209 - babblebedlamite | bauble
geekbynight - 210 - sweetbutterblis | colliena
kateison - 301 - scribblscrabbl | Yumduece
Artists can go to the
Claims Posts if they'd like to find their authors' email addresses (which are listed in the claim comments).
Here is a link to the galleries on Imgur:
Once again, congratulations to all participants! We look forward to seeing the completed artwork as well as the stories inspired by them.