[It should be immediately obvious that Don didn't mean to turn his journal on, and isn't even aware that it is on. He isn't looking at it. He isn't saying anything. In fact, he might not be awake. He's just sitting slumped in a chair, his head on the desk-like counter before him
Read more... )
The second thing Robert realizes is that this isn't a filtered transmission. Even more panic button. So he filters his message as tightly as possible before speaking, soft but with a degree of urgency lent by everything repeatedly going to shambles.]
Don... Don, are you alright...?
[It's only after he speaks that he notices where Don is. Is that a vehicle, behind him?
... It's... it's strangely beautiful. The technology in it reminds him of his own home. But Don doesn't look happy.]
I wonder if it would... operate within another simulation... though I doubt we could take it out of this one.
[Don moves out of the train car, towards the pool where the Sub is floating.]
You can look inside if you want.
... It just sharpens that feeling that he doesn't want to go back to a time where he didn't know Don existed.]
I wish I could show you places from Terra as well... some downright beautiful parts of Linden have shown up.
I'd love to see them.
... Well, I did get holophotographs and holovideo, in the event you do not get to see them during this debacle...
... Er... how exactly do I get inside? [Preferably without being soaked?]
[... Over at Robert.]
... Erm.
[He shifts awkwardly, staring at the gap that's nearly as long as he is tall with consternation. How in the world does Don jump this sort of distance so easily?]
[Turtle bridge, Robert?]
It takes Robert a minute to realize what Don's actually doing.]
... Are you c-certain this is... safe for you? [Because accidentally hurting Don is far more important than slipping, falling and simulatedly-drowning.]
[Of course, Don can't say as much, without causing himself severe neck strain. So he just blows some encouraging bubbles.]
... No, actually, screw that. Too slippery. Changing plan to crawling, here. This doesn't look awkward at all.
Robert is not good at this. Buuuut eventually, hideously awkward or not, he will be on that platform.]
... Sorry.
No problem.
[He perches on the upper edge of the hatchway, gesturing for Robert to precede him.]
... Amazing. [He has to keep reminding himself - Don built this. Out of scrap. He built it with less resources available to him than most hobbyists on Terra, with sub-standard tools, without easy assistance.
... It makes this a lot more impressive than even the mechanics involved alone would have made it.]
Watch your head.
... What is this for, primarily, if I may ask? [He glances over the consoles, some of them evoking faint recognition from him. So very curious.]
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