[It should be immediately obvious that Don didn't mean to turn his journal on, and isn't even aware that it is on. He isn't looking at it. He isn't saying anything. In fact, he might not be awake. He's just sitting slumped in a chair, his head on the desk-like counter before him
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The second thing Robert realizes is that this isn't a filtered transmission. Even more panic button. So he filters his message as tightly as possible before speaking, soft but with a degree of urgency lent by everything repeatedly going to shambles.]
Don... Don, are you alright...?
[It's only after he speaks that he notices where Don is. Is that a vehicle, behind him?
... It's... it's strangely beautiful. The technology in it reminds him of his own home. But Don doesn't look happy.]
I'm proud of you.
... H-how do you... d-do this sort of thing without... without being ashamed of yourself all the time...? [The "you" is obviously a third-person you. Because clearly Robert is referring to himself. Though it might hit close to home anyway.]
The way of Bushido is the way of Honor. Gi, yuu, jin, rei, makoto, meiyo, chuugi: these are the characteristics of the righteous warrior. If you follow the Codes, you will never be shamed.
... Are those... the e-ethical fighting codes you... abide by?
[He trails off, wondering whether any part of this scattered explanation made sense.]
... If... if the reason for fighting is... justifiable, then? If it is ethical? If... if it helps more than it harms...?
[There's a eureka moment hidden somewhere in this, he just has to find it.]
[... And here Robert has something like a eureka moment.]
Inflicting... smaller amounts of harm to... protect someone from larger amounts? Is... is that what this is, then...?
[... Okay, it's still kind of oversimplified, but it's at least an important mental step.]
... If that is the case, then... ... I... I suppose it is consistent with ethical principles.
[... This is sort of shocking. Give him a moment to wrap his head around this.]
... It's not something he'll do often. Like Don says, it's only if you have a good reason. And that shouldn't come up frequently. But...]
I... I think I understand... I spoke with Mr. Japan on this too, on... on finding a fighting style that... fits me. And, and I do not want to lose my pacifism...
What is it like, exactly?
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