
Jun 12, 2012 22:01

There are some good looking, some funny and some weird scenes in I Spy concerning clothes. I hope you enjoy them - most of them are so typically 60s.

This time there are a lot more women to be seen than in other postings ;-).

White shoes, Mr. Robinson?

The bathrobe ist made out of the same material as the hat

This woman was given five important jobs:
a) to look at the envelopes
b) to look in the air
c) to discover the fire in a garage 
d) to yell out loud
e) to wear this thing on her head all the time like it wasn't ridiculous

The woman in green

There are surely a lot of colours in this pic *fumbles for her sun glasses*

Lamardeuse had a similar pic and she wrote "Kelly's coat may be the gayest thing ever"

They are sweet ;-)

Well... there must be a reason why I posted this pic. It surely has something to do with the topic, hasn't it? ...Hasn't it? *looks at the man* *drools*

A man's shoes and socks... (even Kelly is contemplating on them)

Now that's *really* a lot of ... fashion...

A great piece of crochet work (I wonder about her shoes...)

The white woman looks a bit like Twiggy, the British 60s skinny model

You can leave your hat on, Scotty!

Ahhh - a highlight in this post ;-)

Sharing clothes again, gentlemen?

No, never!


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