damn this took long

Feb 06, 2005 17:12

+ About Yourself +
Name :: Becky
Age :: 19
Date of birth :: September 23, 1985.
Gender :: female.
time: 5:13 PM.

Where are you from? :: SCS,Michigan.
Nicknames ::Lately, becky, penis, lol
Middle name(s) :: Jean.
Do you have any pets? :: my fisshys died :(.
What makes you happiest? ::everyone in my life happy
What makes you the saddest? : rejection, bad grades

+ Have
You Ever +
Said "I Love You" and not meant it? :: Nope.
Taken drugs? :: yep
Been cautioned/arrested? :: nae
Been to a concert? :: of course.
Cried during a movie? :: yea lol
Been on stage? :: Yeah I used to be in the drama club
Witnessed a crime? :: oh yea
Swore at your parents? :: no
Failed a grade? :: No


Last Thing You Did +
Last thing you ate :: a tootsie rool.
Last drink you drank ::milk that taseted like SOAP
Last magazine you read :: Cosmo
Last person you spoke to :: Courtney
Last person you emailed :: my aunt
Last thing you bought :: tootsie rools, waffles, capri suns
Last shop you went in :: meijers
Last song you listened to :: Usher~caught up
Last website you went on :: LJ
Last time you said anything :: like an hour.


Celebrities +
Which celebrity would you most like to meet? :: Julie Styles

Who was your first celeb crush? :: JTT
Who is you current celeb crush? :: Johnny depp
Which celebs have your parents got crushes on? :: none...lol
Have you ever met a famous person? ::at the sno core tour if that counts
Have you ever seen a band in concert? :: yes


Favorites +
Favorite color :: Green, purple
Favorite band :: Blink 182.
Favorite solo singer :: Usher
Favorite film :: Soooo many
Favorite song :: anything by usher ha ha and many more
Favorite album :: gosh too many.
Favorite TV program :: eh reality show shit, gilmore girls, sex in the city
Favorite F.R.I.E.N.D.S character :: Joey
Favorite day of the week ::Wednesday, hump day lol
Favorite type of music :: Everything.
Favorite TV channel ::mtv, abc family lol
Favorite boys name :: Sebestion Tyler
Favorite girls name :: Mackenzie


+ Body Matters
Do you like your body? :no.
What would you change about your body if you had the chance? :: loose a lotta lbs


+ Head, Shoulders, Knees
and Toes +
Do you like your eyes? yea there blue and yellow lol?
What color are your eyes? Blue/yellow.
What would you change about your face? smaller
Have you got broad shoulders? :: Sure
Do you like your shoulders? :: ugh sure
Have you got knobbly knees? :: what?
Are they fat/chubby/skinny? :: fat
Do like your feet? :: sure.
Describe your feet? :: size 8 lol


+ Tattoos and Piercings
Have you got any tattoos or piercings? :: shamrock or shoulder, and ears piercings
How many do you have? :: 1 tattoo 3 ears.
What are they of? :: shamrock
Do you think lip, belly,
eyebrow and nose piercings look good? ::there fun.
What do you think of sleeves (tattoos all on the arm)? :: silly
Would you ever consider getting a tattoo - if you don't already
have one? ::
If yes, what would you have? ::


+ Emotions +
Do you show your emotions much? : not much
What scares you most in life? :: being alone and a failure.
What angers you most in life? :: backstabbing
What upsets you most in life? :: people actions
What makes you happy in life? ::didnt i already answer this?.
What helps cheer you up? :: drinking
Who is usually there for you when you feel down? ::alchoal, oh and my friends, and kelly anne
Are you more optimistic then pessimistic? :: depends
Is the glass half full or half empty? ::half full
How short is your temper? ::um...pretty short. But when im in a good mood it can be pretty long


+ Choose One +
Tom Delonge/Mark Hoppus :: Mark
Blink-182/Busted :: ..Blink 182
Busted/McFly :: Whoever they are..
Ashton Kutcher/Topher Grace :: Topher Grace
Watching movies at home/Watching movies at the cinemas :: home.
Crisps/Chips ::Chips
McDonalds/KFC :: mcDonalds is my love 
Rock music/Pop music :: Rock.
Punk/RnB :: RnB
Black/White :: white.
Hot/Cold :: Hot.
Red/Blue :: Blue.
Happy/Sad :: Happy.
Cameron Diaz/Drew Barrymore :: drew

Avril Lavigne/Fefe Dobson ::neiterh lol um avril.
Talking over the phone/Talking face to face :: Face to face.


+ Random Questions +
If you could have one wish in the world, what would it be? ::be smart and pass when i try
If you had the chance to meet 3 people, dead or alive, which 3 would
you choose? ::
Who would play you in a film about your life? :: hmm.
What's the first word you lay your eyes on after you've finished reading this sentence? :: my book
Do you have posters on your wall? :: yea
If yes, how many have you got? :: 3
Who or what are they of? :: Blink 182, A bunch of beer, Spongebob
What will you be doing at 9:00 tonight? :: finishing hte keg, watching the gam and studying.
How much jewelry are you wearing at the minute and what are you wearing? ::none
Do you have a life motto? :: You only lifeonce~
Have you ever been in love? :: hells no
Who was your first non-famous crush? ::a kid named james, he lived by me.
What is your marital status? :: Single.
What is the weather like outside right now? :: Warmer then usual
Pick up one thing from your desk, what is it? :: My notecards
Do you like watching TV? :: at night
Describe the chair you're sitting on :: i'm on my bed.
Have you enjoyed this survey? :: not really.
Now, we will finish as we started - what is the time? 5:37 PM.

Freckles: a lot
Wavy/Straight/Curly Hair: wavy/curly unless i strighten it.
Hair length: sholderlength.
Color of nails: none
non-painted nails are. Clear

Do you press down hard when
you write? no.
What is on your keychain? a central logo thing.
School: central michigan university
Car: 96 lumina, 3 weeks it will be an 02 caviler.
Have you ever worked for a restaurant? nope
Do you have a pencil blister? nope.
Do you have those little white marks under your
nails? no lol
Do you have long/short nails? Short.
What are you wearing right now? cmu hoodie jeans
What time is it? 5:39.
Date: February 6th.
Do you have a lucky number? 3, 9, 23 lol.
Do you do drugs? weed on great occasions
Do you smoke? when i drink...or feel stress...or want to
Do you drink? yes lol
Do you have a CD burner? yup
Who do you hate? umm people.
Who hates you? the world
How many buddies are
on your buddy list? 27 +105+32+5
How many are online right now? i don't wanna ass
Which ones are you talking to? Lindsey, Kelly
What did you do yesterday? homework, drank 
What did you do today? meijer, homework,
What are you doing tomorrow?school
What are you doing this weekend? drinknig...alot
What did you do last weekend?went home
What are you gonna do when this is over? go finish the keg at 2323 and wathc the game!

Are you currently in love? nope.
Have you ever been in love? no.
Your Crush: fuck guys
First Kiss: some kid i don't know his name.
First Boyfriend/Girlfriend: never had a bf
Is there anyone that you would date again? no
Do you believe in love at first sight? no

thing you ate: tootsie rool
thing you drank: milk tasted like soap
thing you said:thiyea lets go
person you saw: court.
person who called you: kelly
person you called: sister
person you hugged: probably someone last night lol
person you kissed: some jerk named matt.
person to ride in your car: courtney.
car you rode in other than
your own:ferns

told you they loved you: Parents
movie you watched: 12 going on 30
movie you saw in the theatre shit soo long ago  idon't know
person you gave the finger:  i dunno.
person who gave you the finger: i dunno
person you missed: my mommy and daddy
phone number called: this repeats have to go.
show watched on TV: gilmore girls.
song heard: Kelly clakston~SInce uve been gone

Number of continents I have visited: Other then my own? 1.
Number of boys I have kissed in my life: i don't keep count lol 
Number of boys I have french kissed:ugh.3.
Number of girls I have kissed: none
Number of girls I have french kissed: none
Number of drugs taken illegally: 1
Number of people I would classify as "true, could trust with my life" type friends: mmm 5
Number of piercings: 2 holesi n ear and cartilage.
Number of tattoos: 1.
Number of
times my name has appeared in the newspaper: none.
Number of scars on my body: a bunch
Number of times a person has made me scared of what they could do to me physically:

Number of things in my past that I regret: oh boy a lot, but don't regret anything b/c at that point you wanted it
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