Title: Things Unknown
Fandom: King Arthur movieverse
Pairing: Guinevere/Lancelot
Wordcount: 200
Rating: PG
Notes: x-posted to
knightgasmDisclaimer: So very much not mine.
"You don't know how to love him."
Guinevere started. She hadn't noticed him sitting in the hallway leading to
Arthur's bedchamber. The set of his jaw and fire in his eyes told her that
he was still angry from arguing with Arthur.
"How do you know what I do and do not know?"
"I know that he is fighting for you. I know that he is choosing you."
She had already guessed the source of Lancelot's anger, despite the longing
looks he gave her. She approached him slowly.
"He has a big heart. He can love many people."
Lancelot watched her draw nearer and felt his anger dissolve into something
"Then he is a better man than I. I can love only one."
She stood close to him now.
"Does he not teach you that you are equal? He is no better than you. And
as for loving more than one, I think you also have a big heart."
Lancelot's eyes flashed with desire as he took her hand and drew her close.
Guinevere tilted her head up.
"You are right. I do not know how to love him."
His lips hovered above hers.
"Then I will teach you."