Maybe u haven't notcied but she is a bombshell so we're goin to talk. If she was my girl i would think it as a compliment when other guys said that she was beautfiul & has a BANGIN body. So stop gettin so jealous & defensive becasue thats what you have 2 deal with when you date a girl that looks even half as good as her
No no no, don't take it as me getting jealous at all. That was not meant to be a warning or a "stay away!" sign. I know she is gorgeous, I know she is an amazing person, I also know that every guy around her looks at her, and that is fine because I trust her. Its not so much me being defensive as it is just wanting to make sure everyone knows that I like her for so many more reasons than her gorgeous looks. I take everything anyone has said about her as a compliment, I just want to get it out there, that I know, that her personality, sense of humor, care for others, and her amazing smarts, (more than mine for sure), outweigh her beauty by a lot, which is VERY HARD to do. But thats why I like her so much.
hey clay! long time no talk! so ive read about ur new girl~she sounds awesome! hehe! im happy u found a good 1 finally..or from what it sounds like! so r yall like serious or what i want all the details?! ~r
What up Rachel!? Yes we are gettin pretty serious, but unlike the last one, this girl really is great. We talk everything out, we know what each other likes, doesn't like, we have the same values and morals. It has just been really REALLY cool, and I think I am starting to feel happy with a relationship. It has been a long time since that feeling has been there. I will see you around at school, stay safe girl.
Comments 26
i heart my mooose :-)
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