These past few months = HELL.1. I fell in love again. With a wonderful guy. Very soon after, he peaced out on my ass and started dating and doing drugs with some chick who shoots coke. Now, I hear he's all fucked up and starving. He's gone. He left me. And I never even got the chance to tell him how I felt. But I love him. . .I'd do anything for
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So. . .Boatie. . .Yah, I'm devastated. I honestly do believe I was falling in love with him. Fuuuuuuhck meeeee. Once again, I end up with a broken heart. Bleh
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So, I go on and I forgive but can never quite forget. And I obtain more information. More hurtful information. That I want to know but shouldn't. Or maybe that I don't want to know but should
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Pimpin' ain't easy. Trust me, I know. Heh heh. Joke.
I must've been out of my mind to think that he actually had a thing for me. But now i'm crazy about him and have nothing to show for it. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.
I hung out with Boatie last night. Til 2:00AM. Oops. Kinda got in trouble for that one but my dad was more worried than scared so it's not like I'm grounded or anything. I had Boatie come over so I could get him this poster I bought him: