Stalking is illegal. i_am_houshi confronts ein_engel.
ein_engel is stalking i_am_houshi
ein_engel’s REAL name :
Lanham Welsh
ein_engel’s REAL DOB :
16th October 1983
Height :190 cm
Weight : 79.4 kg
ein_engel has dreamt about you :
27 times
ein_engel became interested in you :
25th April 2005
ein_engel’s latest dream about you
ein_engel and i_am_houshi make passionate love on a condom strewn beach in Belgium to the sound of George Michael’s Careless Whisper playing in the distance.
This is how ein_engel describes your relationship behind your back
‘God its going fantastic. I’ve never felt happier……..ever. Nothing can go wrong now. Fuck tempting fate!’
ein_engel’s been stealing stuff from your house too.
A pair of soiled underpants that you left out in your backyard after a night out on the razz.
They’ve even started modifying their body for you
ein_engel recently spent a months salary, tattooing your head onto the inside of both of their thighs.
They sent the following message to you in a Valentines
I wanna be your dog baby. Woof fucking woof, I’m coming to get you in my sheepskin jacket.
The Police
No. calls to the police :
8 times
Your Last Call to The Police
"My names i_am_houshi, I’m ringing to report a stalker. Who is it? I don’t know their real name. I met them off an online community called Livejournal. Their username is ein_engel. They’ve been sending me used condoms through the post. Could you please do something about this quickly? My mother opened the last letter. She nearly died of shock. Thanks"
ein_engel’s Police File
We are sincerely worried about ein_engel’s future. We believe that he has the potential to kill at least 10 people.
Testimonies about ein_engel
machina_angel - Geek isn’t the word
‘To be honest there was always something about ein_engel that gave me the creeps. Gave off a really weird smell. Almost like a decomposing racoon.’
flames_guardian - Fart N Flirt
‘I’m tired of hearing about of these allegations about ein_engel. i_am_houshi is a demented twat. Ignore him.’
hi_no_dansu - Wide-load
‘ein_engel’s obsession with breastfeeding should have acted as an insight into their warped mind. I can’t believe I overlooked it for so long. Jesus.’
sphererecorder - Snorts Lucozade tablets
‘ein_engel is pointlessness personified. I just wish they’d kill themselves or something.’