this week has been absolutely wonderful.
i forgot what it felt like to be so consistently happy.
i'll always be happy to kiss you, promise i'll never get sad.
, tristan and i went on our first date.
it was funny and awkward and full of nerves... but great. really great.
, having recently watched 'he's just not that into you',
i decided that if he wanted to make it happen, he would. and he did.
he asked me out again for the following wednesday. and i thought that was it.
, he found out i had plans friday with some mutual friends and decided to join us.
needless to say, i was ecstatic. we talked all day and all night.
, i had a wedding in frederick and after stopping to get my nails done in columbia,
i went to 'the girls house' to meet up with everyone, including tristan, and we all headed to fells point.
and again, we had a great time. he's just so gracious and thoughtful... and respectful.
we played 'around the world' with german lager and got completely trashed, he took a couple shots of wild turkey...
a friend gave us a ride back to the girls house, we were there before everyone else,
and as we stood alone and inebriated on the front steps, we had our first kiss.
neither of us really remember it at all, but it happened, and what i do remember is thinking he kisses just like me. YES.
after a little episode involving a korean throwing a condom at me, me yelling, and tristan standing over the sink with his face in a beaker,
he and i went downstairs to the basement to sleep on the futon. and we didn't have sex. and it was amazing just laying with him.
he held onto me all night, and it was so nice waking up next to him.
, he had to meet his brother, travis, for their trip to the beach, and i had to work.
we talked a little throughout the day, i referred him to see tristen (the girl) at dimensions so travis could get pierced,
and when i was off and he was home, we talked all night.
, he was off and i closed, so he invited me over for a 'lazy night'.
when i got there and he opened the door, it was so funny because, even though
we had just spent the night together and spent so much time talking and whatnot,
we were still so awkward and nervous around eachother. i kinda loved it.
we decided to go get a movie and some dinner and just lay in his room all night,
so he drove us to blockbuster, where he bought reno 911 and willow (haha)
and we picked up some chinese takeout around the corner.
it literally took him seven hours to kiss me.
and i in no way had a problem with that, i wanted it just as badly as he did, but was just as terrified.
we stayed up all night talking and staring at eachother, going into work that morning was hell.
, was an extremely long day.
he had to work at 730, i had to work at 930...
it was a really rough shift and i thought i was going to die.
the second 630 came around, i was out the door and heading home.
the only thing that could keep me awake was STYX, so i jammed to their greatest hits the entire way.
i passed out until 11, talked to tristan for a few hours and fell back asleep.
, i opened again. i was so exhausted, i slept through my alarm and got to work a half hour late. FML.
but, travis came in and we ate lunch together, and then as soon as i was off, sarah got in from waldorf.
she and i drove up to my house, where tristan met up with us, we all just hung around till brandon and travis came over
and we picked up danielle and went to see HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE.
this time, tristan and i were a little more comfortable. he held my hand wherever we went and kissed my forehead... :)
during the movie, i'd look over and he'd be looking at me, or he'd catch me doing the same.
it's so funny to write down because most of these things aren't things i've been known to do...
but this just feels so right. he's incredible. and he makes me feel incredible.
wednesday is here and we're going swimming at his parents house.
i can't wait for him to get off work, i just feel better when i'm standing next to him. it's strange.
i'll be good, i think i could be all you would want and more and more.
i've been legit single for almost a year and a half.
i've met other guys, thought i liked them, that they were what i wanted,
but they were always unattainable in some way,
they were all the same in so many different angles,
there was always an excuse, an explanation...
and i think i did that on purpose.
none of them were a threat to me, they never got close enough to hurt me.
tristan is real. he's a real, tangible person.
he's different from everyone i've ever dated.
and he's everything i've been saying i'm ready for.
no excuses or rationalizations, there's nothing to explain.
it is what it is, and it's exactly what i want. it's wonderful. he's wonderful.
i'll tell every last boy that you're my man, and try not to let you down.