I just got home from seeing Keith Urban at GM Place. The last concert I saw there was the Rolling Stones - last year? Maybe. This was just as good. Less pyrotechnics, but just as good.
The man played straight for over two hours, and despite the fact that I've never heard any of his songs before today (and the one I heard before the concert, he didn't play), I have never had so much fun at a concert. We were on the floor, row 25, and they spent about a third of the time on a catwalk twenty-five feet away from us. Having my (super sexay) new camera phone, I made my aunt take took many pictures. They probably didn't come out well, but it's a phone, what can you expect.
Despite having thousands of people in attendance, the concert was amazingly intimate. He played one song all alone, halfway down the catwalk - Pray that it's raining on Sunday
Storming like crazy
We'll hide under the covers all afternoon
Baby, whatever comes Monday
Can take care of itself
Because we got better things that we could do
When it's raining on Sunday
- it felt like it was ... maybe not just the two of us, but much, much fewer people.
Another time, when the entire band moved to the end of the catwalk for a set, he asked the crowd, "And how are the people at the back feeling now?" XD Then, he kind of glanced over his shoulder, and said, "Quite a view you guys got there," or something to that effect. XXXD
Yeah. Overall it was fucking amazing, and I never swear, so you know it's gotta be good.
Also, I bought three shirts. Well, my aunt bought two of them and refused to take any money for them. (After pushing the money for a bit, I decided that enough was enough, and I'd just take the damn shirts, thank you very much. She laughed.) But I bought the third, intending to give one to my mom, and now I really don't want to.
Thank you Aunt Pam.
Thank you Catharine Epps.
Thank you world.
It's now 12:30, I am totally wiped despite being totally wired, I have to be at school in eight hours: so screw you all, I'm going to bed.
Ok. So lots of words. XD