i just gotta say... KAT IS MONEY. on another note. i also have to say that DEVON RULES. she made me happy today when all i wanted to do was mope and sleep. And she laughs in her sleep! <3
i didnt get the apt. the girl who was moving out desided not to at the last min. they had desided last night that i could move in on the first and now i have no place. im bummed today.
i wont be going to radio surgery tonight, sorry guys, i will be hanging out with some friends here in ventura i want to see before i leave. but im sure i will see you before i take off or maybe on the way up. <3
i went to court today and my case was thrown out due to the fact that its been a year and i have payed my stuff and im unable to do caltrans. i am so happy. i cried when she said it. i am debt free starting to today and forever.