K, so here're some pics from this weekend. They've been PC-edited as opposed to edited with my elite iBook which is now usable right as I finished the pictures. GRRREAT. Haha, anyway, here ya go.
This is my knee right after I scraped it up, suh-weet! It looked a lot worse, too.
This is my iPod Nano, niice!
This is Lolly taking a picture of herself.
This is me and the pimptacular Core cop.
This is me pulling at my dress, you know it's hot.
This is Lauren and I at dinner, omglol.
My mom insisted on taking pics of Lauren and I, we were a little weirded out by this.
Lollerskates, my mom made Lauren laugh.
Check out my sweet garder belt for cell-phone holding.
This is Colin, Elijah, and I in nursery on Sunday.
This is Brittany, Micah, and I.
Gangsterrrr, what what.
I like omglove Simba, yeah.
Elijah was trying to strangle me but his intrument broke.
Land, ahoy!
Those were slightly boring.