Because I was dared to by Viet Nam, I am going to talk about Aniki!
This is Aniki! He's my older brother! His name is Wang Yao but you can also call him China.
Even though he's my older brother, he looks like a girl. He sometimes holds this cat thing called Shinatty-chan. Shinatty-chan looks cute but it's actually an old, fat, perverted man in a cat suit. I can't believe Aniki would like someone like that!
Aniki also looks good in skirts! Aniki makes a great girl, doesn't he~?
Even though Aniki belongs to me, a lot of people have drawn him with a bunch of other people. Like England, Hong Kong, Nihon and Russia and sometimes with Shinatty-chan! Aniki is such a player, isn't he~?
Nihon! I'm also wearing your underwear as a hat~ I even took a picture!
[ooc: drawn by