Stolen from Casey.
Name 20 of your friends below.
(don't get upset if your name's not at the top, or below someone else's, or even not here. it was just at random)
01. Skah
02. Sloth
03. Deiggem
04. Joanne
05. Addie
06. Amber
07. Puppybagger
08. Casey Girlfriend
09. Carl
10. Casey Boyfriend
11. Kevinator
12. Cait
13. Alex
14. Drew
15. CJ
16. Jon
17. Tyspace
18. Craigles
19. "The Real" Sean B.
20. Myles
Who is #8 going out with?: Me.
Is #9 a boy or a girl?: Boyyyy
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple?: HAHAHAHA. Probably not at all.
How about #18 and #4?: Interesting... But probably not.
What grade is #17 in?: Soon to be a sophomore at Plystate
When was the last time you talked to #12?: Um...Friday?
What is #6's favorite band?: Oh man. I haven't the faintest clue.
Does #1 have any siblings?: Sisterrrr
Would you ever date #3?: Absolutely.
Would you ever date #7?: Out of all of the people I had to pick for number 7... ;-)
Is #16 single?: Nopers!
What's #15's last name?: Halldorson
What's #5's middle name?: Grace
What's #10's fantasy?: Hahaha. I'm not sure I even want to know
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple?: Probably.
What school does #20 go to?: Plystate
Tell me a random fact about #11?: He has a dragon hanging from the ceiling of his bedroom
And #1: Her and I met because of Ross Pentland
And #3: Once we named the bird in her cuckoo clock.
Where does #9 live?: Holden
What's #4's favorite color?: Green? Purple? Polka Dots? I have no idea.
Would you make out with #14?: Not now...
Are #5 & #6 best friends?: They know how we roll
Does #7 like #20?: I'm pretty sure they don't know each other
Does #8 like #19?: She sure does!
How did you meet #15?: Craig and Ty said "You should like CJ."
Does #10 have any pets?: I think he has cats? Maybe?
Is #12 older than you?: Noooopeee.
Is #17 the sexiest person alive?: He has the sexiest faux-hawk alive.
Have you dated #5?: No, but I totally would.
Has #9 kissed #14?: HAHAHAHA. No.
I recommend doing that. It's a whole lot of fun.
This week is going to be tough. Mom's getting on my case already. Shit fuck balls.
Beach Tuesday with some of the gals. I'm pumped.