and all the lights that led the way were blinding

Sep 29, 2004 18:55

i needed a distraction, so i filled out a:Name: anna
Birthplace: downtown
Location: currently? uptown
Hair Color: dark brown
Righty or Lefty: right
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Your heritage: italian, polish, romainian
shoes you wore today: ugly ones
Weakness: curve
Your fears: that it doesnt get easier
Goal you'd like to achieve: college
Your most overused phrase: ummm i dono lol
Your thoughts first waking up: fuck
Your best physical feature: my scar
Your bedtime: usually before 12 on the weekdays and like 2 on the weekends
Your most missed memory: DC
Your best friend(s): u people
Pepsi or Coke: i wanna say coke, but i dont like giving into the whole idea that they're different,because i wanna i think they're the same
McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
Single or group date: ewww i went on a blind date once
Adidas or Nike: nike makes prestos right? i had a pair of those
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: i hate iced tea
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate, but i always regret not ordering that vanilla milkshake, but i def like chocolate better
Cappuccino or coffee: iced coffee
Smoke: ehh
Swear: too much
Sing: not well
Take a shower: daily
Have a crush: if u wanna call it that
Want to go to college/university: yupyup
Like(d) high school: i suppose i do like it
Want to get married: i do
Believe in yourself: i dont know
Get motion sickness: i used to, from time to time it's been known to happen
Think you're attractive: i'm damn sexy
Think you're a health freak: nope
Get along with your parent(s): i suppose
Like thunderstorms: i dont like getting my hair wet
Play an instrument: na

In the past month...
Drank alcohol: yup
Smoked: yup
Done a drug: nope
Gone to the mall: nope
Been dumped: nope
Dumped someone: nope
Gone skating: omg i'm going in 2 weeks
Made homemade cookies: nope
Gone skinny dipping: nope
Dyed your hair: nope
Stolen anything: nope

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yup
Been caught "doing something": kinda, but not really
Been called a tease: yeah
Shoplifted: nope
Changed who you were to fit in: i dont think too badly

Age you hope to be married: late twenties
Numbers and Names of Children: juliana
Describe your Dream Wedding: outside
How do you want to die: i dont
Where you want to go to college: i donno
What do you want to be when you grow up: rich and happy
Where would you most like to visit: california

In a girl....
Best eye color: i always forget to look at eyes
Best hair color: it depends
Short or long hair: long but some people look good with short
Height: i dont really care
Best weight: everyone should be happy
Best articles of clothing: wtf is this
First date location: ?
First kiss location: on the lips lol

# of people I could trust with my life: like 15
# of CDs that I own: a lot, but they're all at lindseys
# of scars on my body2
# of things in my past that I regret: too many, but what can ya do

[ Current Clothes ] sweat pants and pink shirt
[ Current Mood ] lol a mix between nervous and excited
[ Current Music ] i'll fly with u
[ Current Taste ] gum
[ Current Hair ] dirty
[ Current Annoyance] my own impatience
[ Current Smell ] myself
[ Current Favorite Artist ] brittany
[ Current Desktop Picture ] lexi and me
[ Current Favorite Group(s) ] i donno
[ Current Book you're reading ] nothin
[ Current CD in CD Player] oasis
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] white
[ Current Refreshment ] seeing danielle in an hour
[ Current Worry] skinny


[ You Touched ] my mom lol
[ You Touched with Love in Your Heart] chris
[ You Talked to ] lins
[ You Hugged ] chris
[ You Instant messaged ] rock
[ You Yelled At ] chris


[ Understanding ] i try
[ Open-minded ] yeh
[ Arrogant ] maybe becuase i'm supaaahot
[ Insecure ] yupyup
[ Interesting ] i try
[ Random ] ya
[ Friendly ] to some
[ Smart ] questionable
[ Moody ] yupyup
[ Childish ] yeh
[ Independent ] yeh
[ Hard working ] i try
[ Organized ] yup
[ Healthy ] nope
[ Emotionally Stable ] nope
[ Shy ] na
[ Difficult ] sometimes
[ Attractive ] i hope so
[ Bored Easily ] yeh
[ Messy ] sometimes
[ Thirsty ] yup
[ Responsible ] i try
[ Obsessed ] haha i suppose
[ Angry ] i can be
[ Sad ] not always
[ Happy ] not always
[ Hyper ] yes
[ Trusting ] sometimes too much
[ Talkative ] ha
-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .

[ Pictured your crush naked? ] hmm
[ Actually seen ur crush naked ] lol
[ Been in love ] yes
[ Cried when someone died ] yes
[ Lied ] yes

-D O. Y O U .E V E R-

[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] lol im so pathetic
[save aol/aim conversations] i used to have a file
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex] when my hair is frizzy
[cried because of someone saying something to you] yeh

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-

[fallen for your best friend] yes, i am in love with you all..
[been rejected] yupyup
[rejected someone] yupyup
[used someone] i guess
[been cheated on] i bet i have
[done something you regret] havent we gone over this

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-

[you talked to on the phone] lins
[you laughed with] chris

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-

[smoke cigarettes] na
[obsessive] yupyup
[could u live without the computer?] NOOOO
[color ur hair] na
[ever get off the damn computer] na
[habla espanol] si, no not really
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?] not a lot
[drink alchohol?] sometimes
[like watching sunrise or sunset] yeh
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?] emotional pain by far

-N U M B E R-

of times I have had my heart broken?: 2 boys did this
of hearts I have broken?: millions haha
of guys I have kissed?: millions
of girls I have kissed?: chilllllllll
of continents I have lived in?: 1
of tight friends?: enough
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