what's in a name? by which a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Feb 19, 2005 21:12

that's what my little girl's name is. dontcha justloveit??? it was inspired by george from seinfeld in the episode when some couple stole his future daughter's name, SEVEN.
surprisingly, there is a babe out there whose name is PILOT INSPEKTOR. yep, i saw it on VH1.

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Comments 4

824 February 20 2005, 04:19:23 UTC
That's Jason Lee's baby's name! I hate when people name their babies weird things, although Pilot Inspektor isnt as bad as Apple, or Cocoa. Cocoa sounds like the name of a porn star.
& Frank Zappa's kids! GOOD LORD! Dweezil, Ahmet, & Moon Unit.


i_have_edge_x February 20 2005, 21:33:09 UTC
naming your baby after a porn star is a little weird. haha

moon unit!!! that is so funny.
i'm sorry for those kids who will most definitely get teased when they're of school age, but when they grow up they will have the coolest names.


rockaverse February 20 2005, 07:43:41 UTC
Last year while I was in AP Art History, we were learning Greek art and I fell in love with a word and decided that'll be the name of my daughter. I was seriously obsessed with it forever. Still am. Kind of.

KING PILOT INSPEKTOR sounds cool. It grows on you.


i_have_edge_x February 20 2005, 21:33:56 UTC
what was it??

i know. i thought it was bizarre, but it stuck.


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