I know she won't read this ever, and even if she did, she wouldn't understand it since she can't speak english!!! xP Gah, I don't want to be lazy, but I'm gonna copy and paste my post from soshified....:X
Ever since I first saw you in Chunji doing all kinds of adorkable antics, I just knew that you'd be my fav. member of snsd, no matter what!! (though I must say that i cheat on you w/ Maknae sometimes!! xD) Even though I went through a period of not liking Soshi, (for some stupid reason.. ), I never, ever stopped liking you. You're just too adorable to hate!! I regret not being able to send you a b-day message, because I don't think you would care if my voice is too annoying or that I'm speaking in English!! You would just be happy that you have an ultra devoted fan!! <3
From your fabulous fashion sense, to your extreme eating habits, to your gorgeous smile, to your violent ways, to your dorkiness, I <3 you. It's you in particular that I've come to love as much as a girl could love another girl w/o being a lesbian.
Continue eating lots of tasty food and, well, being the best Sooyoung you can be!!