Tonight we're going to party like it's 1776.

Apr 11, 2006 18:57

Yea, birth of the nation, wut ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

mourningangel April 11 2006, 18:27:48 UTC
1) Cut or uncut?

2) Yes, I can. With butter I can feel my arteries clogging, and this shit doesn't allow me that pleasure.

3) I believe Fabio learned how to act in Nazi Germany along with Arnold Schwarzzenager. They were then cleverly time-warped here to seriously fuck with the American Cinema, seriously disillusioning generations and thus making it easy for a Neo-Nazi takeover in the year 2021 2/3. They were also coated liberally with a flame-retardant material--the true inspiration for the Terminator movies and why the Terminator always ended in a hot pit of molten material yet the trilogy continued.


doc_darrel April 11 2006, 19:03:01 UTC
1.) Let's try ;)
2.) No way. Butter tastes like butter, and nothing else.
3.) He can act? All that hair will catch first... as far as anything else, who knows...


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anie_lynne April 12 2006, 12:15:59 UTC
You are killing me! PS- Happy Bday. I didn't even know it was your bday, but mine sucked too. Instead of gifts, let's start a support group.

Also, of COURSE romance novels suck! That's why the SPP invented slash. Get with the program!

I still have your sweater.


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i_heart_jesus85 April 12 2006, 16:50:49 UTC
Wait wait wait, whose birthday is it???


anonymous September 4 2006, 00:44:21 UTC
This is way late but I'll give it a shot.

1) yes, but only their fingers

2) of course. it comes in a tub, not a stick. it's obvious.

3) The apartment of close friend and confidant Ralph Hooper: 354 D6 42nd St. New York, New York 10063. 2 gallons.



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