..let's fly, let's fly away...

May 14, 2004 01:07

wow, it has been about a month since i last updated. Things have been pretty much the same, except now the year is almost over and i still need to bring up my Latin grade. I can't wait for summer and no homework for a while and not having to deal with all these people i am sick of. But at the same time, it also means seeing less of the people i do ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

pogothemonkey May 15 2004, 00:31:58 UTC
bet u cant wait to begoin to those strip clubs all alone! i know u'll have a good time with the other drunk sleazy people, and make some really great friends and have some magical adventures.


youuvandal May 15 2004, 03:16:22 UTC
Read How soon is never.
You might enjoy it.


my husband! alleycat21 May 19 2004, 00:46:35 UTC
hello! im adding you. are you going to the ymca thing again? it seems lame this year. do you still have my button? i think i lost it at that crazy thing last year.



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