TEN Random Things About Me
10. I hate slow drivers
9. ...and people who pull out in front of you and go really slow
8. I love Mexican food
7. Sometimes I am really whiny
6. I am afraid of dying
5. I love dolphins
4. ...and I would love to be a dolphin trainer at Sea World
3. I love light pink anything
2. 7 of my teeth are fake
1. My name was going to be Summer
Nine Ways To Win My Heart
9. Make me laugh
8. Give me flowers for no reason, or even just one.
7. Know the little things about me.
6. Support me in everything I do
5. Be goofy with me
4. Hold me when I want to just be held
3. Let me know you love me by doing things for me, and not just speaking it.
2. Be there for me, in any kind of way, even if it is just silence
1. Be loyal and honest to me
EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
8. Travel all over the world [esp. to Rome and Australia]
7. Have an awesome job that I dont wake up to every morning and say "I hate work, and I dont want to go"
6. Raise a family
5. Do something great and noble
4. Help somebody in an immense way
3. Own a Yorkie pup
2. Own my own house
1. Make a difference
SEVEN ways to annoy me:
7. Driving slow
6. Whining [yeah, I'm a hypocrite]
5. Sitting around and doing nothing when something needs to be done
4. Make me wait when there's somewhere we need to get to
3. Talking on the phone for long periods of time
2. Calling me to talk about absolutely nothing.
1. When girls who are skinny complain that they are fat.
SIX things I believe in:
6. God
5. Angels
4. Love
3. Aliens
2. Honesty
1. Trust
FIVE things I'm afraid of:
5. Dying
4. Being alone forever
3. Rapists/Murderers, etc...
2. Sharks.. or just being out in the open water
1. Not being certain of anything, including the future
FOUR favorite items in my room:
4. Laptop
3. Bed
2. Closet [all the stuff inside]
1. All of my precious possessions [pictures, trinkets, gifts, etc...]
THREE things I do everyday:
3. Shower [way too much]
2. As soon as I wake up, I get a glass of OJ or Tang
1. Waste away on my computer
TWO things I want to do right now:
2. Eat
1. Cuddle up and take a nap
ONE person I want to see right now:
1. Dustin♥