Title: Mice
Pairing: Eeteuk / Donghae
Length: Three shot
Rating: Gee~
Warnings: None
Summary: Mice can bring people closer.(?)
A/N: This is sort of random. I decided to catch up on the 100 Days of SuJu fic challenge when I got my laptop taken away at school. And this was created. Please enjoy. :)
Mice. )
Comments 9
Anyways, awww, this was funny and I can totally picture Hae freaking out about a mouse. XD
.... and it WAS TeukHae and not EunTeuk. You asked me if I'd read EunTeuk and thought no, but I read your TeukHae but then I didn't question it. LOL
CRAP! I totally had EunTeuk on the brain and not TeukHae... How did that happen? O.o
Thank you for reading. :) <3
Welcome bitch. ^^ I love you so MAKE THAT GODDAMN MURDER STORY or I will threaten you in a similar way to how I did this morning. ♥
Well hi, nekkid Yoseobbie. ;)
It's not even.. I'm pretty sure it's not going to be what you expect...
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