Yes, Jack and I had a fight. It was actually a small fight and it's mostly over now. This won't affect work. Sorry you had to see part of it.
I called Jack around 11:00 and drunkenly told him that I missed him. He got a taxi and came over and we passed out together, it was very romantic. Next morning- once we'd both slept off the scotch, I made us some breakfast and we apologized to each other. Funny how much better I feel having just gotten angry at him and then being done with it. Not had the makeup sex yet. We actually may not at all, but it seems like such a terrible waste.
We're progressing. Actually talking seems to help with that. He really does want to make this work. He's just trying to figure out how. At least that's what I hope, as the alternative is that he's just blowing me off.
Tosh has been trying to talk to me and we keep just missing each other. I know she's been talking to Owen a bit, which is good. Hope he'll cheer up a bit more. All this lack of sex has started to really get him down.
Now that I've gotten to step away from it, I can collect my thoughts about all that's just gone on. Rhys was in the hub, that was very strange. He's nice enough and watching him stand up to Jack made me smile for Gwen. Seems like we've had a lot of outsiders coming through. Not to be territorial, but it feels a bit off. Like watching a friend of a friend wander into your bedroom. Maybe that's part of why Jack threw his weight around so much more than normal.
And then there was the sea slug. Part of which is no doubt getting digested by a fair amount of the Welsh population- myself unfortunately included- as I type this. Jack was so invested in it. I would have liked us to be able to save it, and I know Owen regretted what he'd done when the adrenaline wore off, but that is part of the risk of this job every day we walk back into it. Sometimes we save the good ones, other times we can't.