(no subject)

Jul 28, 2008 15:34

About the player
Name: Lucy Davis
Username: i_love_amy
Age: 24
Previous RPG Experience: Plenty, all in games that are now defunct. Have some modding experience too. You can find most of the links here, but this CDJ hasn't been updated in a VERY long time. Naughty Nights in particular is not indicative of my skill - that was my first game *sheepish blush* and I like to think I have improved immensely since then!
AIM: venite angeli

About the character
Name: Katie Saunders
Age: 29
In school: no
If yes,year:
PB: Carey Mulligan
Interests: singing, writing, taking care of her child
Relation to the cafe {employee (be specific, barista, server, baker, bus boy/girl), entertainment, customer, etc.}: Customer
Characteristics, traits and personality:
likes: choral music, hamburgers, romantic comedies, Christmas, her family, winter, reading, grape juice.
dislikes: country music, stew, horror movies, Halloween, bullies, netball, spring, big parties, coffee.

strengths: She has a strong maternal instinct, and can often be found mothering the younger students, especially the homesick ones. She's quick on her feet in an emergency, having studied first aid at school. Possessing a relatively good work ethic, she prefers to get her work done before she plays, but she's only human, and has experienced her share of procrastination panic. She has something of a hero complex - she can't stand watching anyone get bullied or picked on, she has to jump in and defend them.
weaknesses: She's rather reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland - "I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it." Her love of romantic comedies and limited experience to draw from has given her a rather rose tinted view of the world of relationships. She also has a tendency to leap before she looks - a lot of the time she acts out of instinct, jumping into the fray before stopping to ponder the consequences.

fears: loss of her family, spiders, the dark - not so much the dark itself, as the thought of what could be lurking in the dark. Being possessed of a somewhat overactive imagination, Katie tends to over think these things, and worry unnecessarily about what could be in the dark.

overall: From the beginning, Katie's been a placid, down to earth sort of person. She is the seventh born of ten siblings, though they're spaced far enough apart that she's never had to live with all of them at once. She learned to nurture from a young age - her sister Charlotte was born when Katie was not quite six, and having a real live baby was much better than any doll money could buy. Then when the twins were born, Katie had two more chances to play mother, and she grew fond of the role.

Though Katie's family was never overly religious, when she was about thirteen, Katie herself discovered religious music and was hooked. She sometimes feels a little hypocritical, singing songs like "Ave Maria" when she has no intention of actually hailing Mary, but her justification is that she really likes the music, and honestly enjoys singing it. Sometimes in her holidays Katie goes to the local church, but it's usually by herself. And any time of year, any time of day, any situation really, Katie can usually be found singing to herself. She has quite a good voice, not marketable by any stretch of the imagination, but pleasing to the ear, and Katie is always striving to improve.

She particularly enjoys watching romantic comedies, and this has perhaps coloured her expectations of the dating world. She's never been in a relationship, per se, so her idea of dating someone is based completely on what she's seen in movies. There are those who would tell her she's in for a nasty shock. But you never know, right? She could get lucky.

She's not the kind of person who sits in a corner and waits for things to happen. She's relatively outgoing, and doesn't usually discriminate about who she spends time with. She likes a joke, and laughs easily, but also has serious moments where she prefers to listen rather than speak.

Growing up in such a large family, rituals and routines became by necessity a large part of Katie's life. She works best when she's surrounded by lists, rosters, chore charts and schedules. She likes to keep things as organized as possible. She's very fond of the little rituals her family has, especially at times like Christmas where there's almost a script her family follows, and she looks forward to every minute of it.

Brief bio:
Born into a generation where enlisting in the army was expected, Robert Saunders left for the Second World War unaware that he had fathered a son, Edward. Though absent from the front line for the first half of the war, he spent eighteen months as a medic on the front lines. When the war was over, he returned home as a hero in his family's eyes.

Edward Saunders had spent the first five years of his life hearing stories from his mother Mary about a daddy who was away fighting the bad men, and when his father came back, he hero worshiped him to the extent that he expressed a desire to follow in his footsteps from the age of ten. He made good on this promise at the age of eighteen, joining the United States Army Reserve, essentially a part time soldier. Because America was not at that time actively involved in any conflicts, he attended the University of Rhode Island, then studied medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Eventually, he was able to take a job with a small but successful practice near his family home on the outskirts of Providence.

Meanwhile, while going about his daily life, working and completing his annual obligations to the army, Edward met and fell in love with Shirley Carter. The two were married in 1964, shortly after Shirley's twentieth birthday.

Less than three years later, their first children were born, Anne-Marie twelve minutes before her brother Adam. Samantha arrived in 1969, not long after Edward finally got his wish and saw active duty, in Vietnam. His first, and last, major skirmish saw him caught in crossfire. He sustained a bullet wound to the right thigh. His wish was to carry on fighting, but he was sent home to recover.

Some would have resented such an abrupt end to a lifelong dream, but Edward threw himself into the two things left in his life that mattered - his family and his work. Oliver was born in 1971, followed by Anthony in 1973 and Liam in 1977. Edward was quickly making a name for himself in the field of obstetrics, perhaps a fitting choice of specialty given how rapidly his own family seemed to be growing. Katherine was born in 1979, and Charlotte in 1986, and the Saunders' decided perhaps eight children was enough.

Relying on his military background and his wife's common sense, Edward ran the household on routines, rituals and good old fashioned team work, and the system worked. The chores were done, the children fed, clothed and bathed, and everyone was happy.

Katherine Elizabeth Saunders, born July 19th, 1979, was a placid, content baby and a well mannered, well behaved child. She loved her place as the baby of the family, with six older brothers and sisters, and spent much of her early childhood running after her two older sisters.

In preschool and kindergarten she made friends easily, and gravitated toward activities that reminded her most of her home life, particularly the dolls corner. But she spent an equal amount of time running around outside with the boys in her class, accustomed as she was to running around with her older brothers at home.

Starting school proper in the autumn of 1984, Katie established herself as a firmly middle of the road student. She did well in reading and creative writing, often making up outlandish stories that left her teachers wondering where on earth she had picked up her funny ideas. Mathematics provided more of a challenge, and for the first couple of years of schooling Katie struggled with many of the concepts. Thankfully by the time she was eight, she had caught up with her peers.

Charlotte was born when Katie was six, and Katie adored her from first sight. To this day, Charlie and Katie are special friends, though Katie loves all her siblings. Katie became almost like a second mother to her small sister, consistently wanting to help dress, feed, and change the baby, and Shirley was more than happy to let her help. Though obviously needing supervision, Katie was more than capable of tending to and entertaining Charlie for short periods, and loved to do so. Though they hadn't planned on having any more children, Shirley fell pregnant again, and Lucas and Timothy were born in September 1992.

Katie graduated high school in the summer of 1997 in the top quarter of her class, and went on to the University of Rhode Island, majoring in English, with an emphasis on Creative Writing, and minoring in Elementary Education. She spent her final year in England as part of an exchange program sponsored by the school, studying at Oxford University, and upon returning to the States took a job as a kindergarten teacher in Providence.

Though she had a relatively large social circle, Katie wasn't the kind of person who fell into romantic relationships easily. She lost her virginity at age 21, to a random stranger in a bar in England, and regretted it the next day. As a result of this, it was to be nearly five years later before she got back on the horse, so to speak. Her relationship with Matthew Jamison lasted longer than her previous one night stand, and the two of them were together for nearly six months before Katie fell pregnant, and Matthew walked out on her.

Connor was born when Katie was 26, and she took six months off teaching to care for him. When it was time for her to return to work, Katie's mother took care of Connor during the day, but now that he's three she prefers to take him to work with her a lot of the time. One extra child doesn't make too much of a difference to her, and she can tell he's learning a lot just by being around her and the other children.

Two bad experiences with men soured Katie more than she'd care to admit, and for a while she got to thinking about what it would be like to indulge herself with a member of the fairer sex. Though she never acted on these feelings, to this day she's curious, and wouldn't turn the opportunity down. In the meantime she's focusing her attention and her energy on her work and her son, and pretending that she doesn't have time for anything else.

First Person RP Example:
I think I need a holiday. I haven't been out of the country since England, and lord knows I've got enough money saved to be able to have a decent trip. Maybe this summer I'll take Conn to Argentina. I've been dying to try out my (nearly non-existent) Spanish skills.

Meanwhile, back here in Rhode Island, Mom's birthday is drawing closer and as usual, I'm the only one who has any idea what to get her. I've been trying for a couple of weeks to get all ten of us in the same room to talk about it, but it's nigh impossible. So I basically told all my siblings that they WOULD be in the Daily Grind tomorrow at ten, under pain of never hearing the end of it. I've booked us a photography session, since Mom's into all that kind of sentimental sort of thing, and the last professional shot of all ten of us was taken just after the little boys turned five - and they're almost fourteen now!

I might duck in there myself later this afternoon. I haven't had a decent coffee in far too long. It's been at least... eighteen hours?

Third Person RP Example:
Hoisting Connor onto her hip, Katie pushed the cart around the packed supermarket. He struggled and whined to get down, wanting to run around and look at all the shiny things, but Katie persisted.

“It's too busy today, Pickle,” she told him, settling him in the seat of the cart. “You'll get lost, and Mommy would be sad.” He would just have to deal with that, she told herself, zooming around the aisles as fast as she could. They got through her list in record time, and waited on line for their favorite cashier.

Connor perked up immediately. He adored this woman, Debbie, who barely knew them but made a huge fuss of him every time they were there. She hugged him, kissed him, gave him balloons and sang him songs, and it never mattered how scratchy Connor's mood was on the way around the store, he was always a perfect angel for Debbie.

Knowing that Connor would be entertained, Katie began to hum to herself as she unloaded the cart. It was funny how watching Connor brighten lifted her spirits as well. This woman deserved a pay rise and a medal.
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