When the depression attacks...
I believe I am a worthless failure.
I believe that no one will ever love me.
I believe I will die alone.
I believe that is what I deserve.
When the anxiety is bad...
I believe the world around me is unsafe.
I believe everybody is laughing at me all the time.
I believe that if I close my eyes tonight, I will die.
I believe that my friends are not really my friends.
I believe that everyday objects could kill me.
Living with Post Truamatic Stress Disorder...
I believe the nightmares will never end.
I believe that everyone is to be feared.
I believe that no one is safe to be around.
After experiencing disassociation...
I believe that I did something bad but I can't remember what it was.
I believe I could be dangerous to others.
Influenced by the psychosis:
I believe that people are always watching me.
I believe that my house is possessed by a demon.
I believe the voices that tell me I am bad and deserve to die.
I believe that I have no idea what is real or not.
But inside me:
I believe I am a good person.
I believe I deserve to be loved.
I believe I have skills and talents.
I believe that I try my best.
I believe that I will not let the illnesses win.
I believe that I will never stop fighting.
I believe that I will be OK.