this weekend was crazy. i was gone EVERY night. it was so much fun. Cassies house Friday. Parade Saturday..Stephanies house and church on Sunday. Oh and a topping of my wonderful time at school..the school "cought on fire". i checked out right after that though. =)
i look retarted. as always =)
Cassie working on our progect for school..pretty nifty huh?
i look very interested in this.
almost done..=)
i love this shirt. =)
Cassie dancing...haha.
i look like im surfing...haha
didnt know i could fly did you???
shes crazy... a cheerleader never make it =)
me and amber in our pj bottoms from dirty santa..were wearen them Wednesday. =)
yeah i know..i cant dance..
the "angle" and "wise guy" haha chris in pink..priceless..