Stalker Meme
Go to your info page and find the seventh name listed on your friends list. Go to their info page. Find the seventh name on their friends list. Repeat until you are seven LJs from your own. (If you come across someone who doesn't have seven friends or the seventh friend is a journal you have already visited on this trip, randomly pick another name and continue).
Started with...
Now, use the info page and recent entries of that 7th LJ to answer the following questions:
1)What is the title of this journal (NOT the user name)?
Doesn’t have one - The name is Tea <3 though, which can be but good.
2)How many communities does this person belong to?
24, includeing some rather interesting ones.
3)List any interests you share in common with this user.
Good Fantasy books!! Chocolate, cats, fantasy, terry prattchett, libraries, reading, the matrix, harry potter. Umm that’s quite a lot, even if they are all common ones. Why is the Matrix still on my interestes lists though?
4)List any friends you have in common with this user. None
5)Where does this user live? Finland
6)What is the seventh sentence in this user's most recent journal entry?
“Mum had woken up to the sound of the bangin in the wind”
7)What is the first sentence in this user's seventh most recent journal entry?
Thanks for Christmas cards again.
She seems nice actually.
see, this is what happens whe you try to some work...