Do not pour half a bottle of orange-flavored tea onto your Wii. Anything less than half is fine.
The Wii is not a tie. Nor is it a scarf.
Do not attempt to control your heart with the Wiimote.
Wii does not affiliate with or support "Truth".
When the Wii catches a cold, use a hypo-allergenic blanket.
Do not remove the four leaf clover from your Wii. The "clover" is Nintendo's secret to motion sensing.
Do not unwrap the Wii over your head.
Do not consume the twist ties that come with your wii. The wii system, though loaded, does not come with built in snacks.
Tests have shown limited success with playing the Wii with your feet. Just like every other controller for every other video game made. The running pad for the NES and the dance pad for DDR were not made by big name console systems. They were made by smaller companies that temporarily invaded the superiority of their respective systems during their reign.
Playing a video game with your feet is stupid. As you can tell, "Track Meet" and "DDR" are tired and obsolete are the controllers that were built for them. If a console producer wanted you to play games with your feet, THERE WOULD BE GAME CONTROLLER SHOES! Instead...the superior wii system has developed a lightning defense mechanism to null the urge to play any game with your feet.
Blu-ray discs will not work in the Wii. If you put a Blu-ray disc into your wii, the "clover system" motion sensors will sense said blu-ray disc, and destroy it. The only way to make a blu-ray disc work after it has been severely injured by the wii system is to put band-aids on it. (crossing your fingers and praying to your nonexistent god helps too).
Do not lay out a Wii for homeless citizens. They should clean themselves up and get a job like an honorable salaryman.
Do not forcibly remove Wii discs. There is an ejection mechanism.
Do not attempt to wake up the Wii when it is napping. The reasons for why you should not do this were edited out of the wii instruction manual by the UN Security Council for your safety, and the uninterrupted existence of the country you live in.
Do not step on your Wiimote controls tail. Again, lightning...this time in your foot.