i missed a day. i really meant to make it. one sorry sentence for every day i've passed. it's the least i could come up with. a full day of living reduced to a single statement, an empty shell waiting to be filled with a little noise. white noise static. what a wretched concept. static. stagnant. still. i will heat up heat up heat up.
it doesn't belong to me anymore. it's cold and unfamiliar. i have nothing to say, sadly. i find no inspiration in pages that are too white, too cold, turning blue. i miss an old friend who has only caused me harm. today is the same day yesterday was. i'm under 24 hours away.
i wish i would write everday. everyday something to read one year from today exactly. there are t h r e e h u n d r e d a n d s i x t y f i v e good reasons why i can live without you
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criticism is neccessary, as i continue to make mistakes similar in nature to their predecessors. it's unfortunate but inevitable. i will fight against the undertow with its grip on my heels. if i grit my teeth tight enough nothing will slip in or out. my tongue in it's proper place.
there is nothing to say at times. those are the times when the most is said, at least on my end, i could never pretend that it was that important
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