OMFG KINGDOM HEARTS 2 CAME!! IT'S BEAUTIFUL. ... and I understand almost nothing ...
Over the weekend I hung out with some friends on Saturday afternoon and late (latelatelate) evening in Torrance. They took me to Book Off where I got lost in my own world in the CD section. I got a brand new copy of Hyde's 666 album for $10 (and NO it's not fake). I also got a copy of one Kick the Can Crew's older CDs, used for $3 ♥. MAN I didn't even et to go through all of it. I found a best of Baroque CD BRAND NEW for only $10 and I didn't buy it because I am a tard-bar. I wanted so many things. After that we went to Asahiya and I found a gillion CDs I wanted. They were all regular price, but not rape-high prices like Kinokuniya or like most others I have been too. I really wanted to get some Nightmare singles, but I didn't have the money for it. The store was also giving away promotional posters to any one who bought a CD or CD single. I really wanted one, but I couldn't afford buying a CD. That is where my awesome friend Genta (who works there) said "just take one." *___*!! I was so happy. I grabbed a WaT promotional poster. It was wonderful! Not only was it HUGE, it didn't have any retarded writing on it or random object images like a lot of the other promotional poster's had. It is just of them with "WaT" written in one of the bottom corners. Afer the escapade in Asahiya, we went to Mitsuwa and I bought Momoten Peach water and some other snacks. Finding that that was not enough we headed over to Marukai market (the biggest one I have ever been to). So many cool things there! I bought more snacks XD (including カロリーメイト #_# yummy~). We went back to the house after that, but we went out to eat curry later on (omfg, DELICIOUS). Yep that was fun-ness.
Today, I got up early to help
__yokubou figure out what buildings her classes were in at PCC. After that, I took the longest walk home ever. It took me four hours when it supposed to take only 30 min. Well, the reason for that was because I stopped at 7 or so stores to ask and complete applications. I applied to the following stores:
- Yoshinoya
- Michael's
- Office Depot
- Rite Aid
- The Coffee Bean
- Macy's
- Talbot's Kids
I SWEAR, if one of these stores doesn't hire me, I will be pissed. It's been MONTHS and I still can't get a job! I hae been rejected 39845173 it seems like x___x. I really hope I get a job.
Oh yeah, on the way back from the school, I decided to go in this undergarments store I have (for some reason) wanted to go into for a long time. It's a very odd store. You have to ring a door bell to go inside. A very tiny Japanese woman opened the door and lt me in. It was a very small store. I really had no idea how to look around because of how things were set up. The woman asked me if I wanted to be measured and I agreed and this is what I found out:
Agh. -_____- This sucks. My boobs are bigger than I thought they were. I'm not a "C" I am a "D". Holy CRAP. I wanna LIPO my boobs off, seriously x_x. I got my bust measured PROPERLY for once and she looked at my bra and was like ._. "that is too small." Apparently, if you can fit 2 fingers under the mid-front of your bra easily, your bra is too small. That means I have been wearing the wrong size for like ... 2 years. The lady said that 85% of all women wear the wrong size bra. o_o We are dooshes. Fuck, now I need all new bras -___-.
So yeah, that lady was awesome. She has worked there for like 34 years and 9 months. I don't know how to explain why she was so awesome. You just have to talk to her. Her name was Yasuko I believe. Oh, I now know why I couldn't figure out how to look for stuff I wanted in that tiny store. She's like a bra master. She measures you and gives you a couple that should fit you best. She's like that wand dude in Harry Potter. Haha.
ANNND here I am back at home, yay. I think that is the end. Ciao.