I just looked at my recent entries, and thought to myself, "wow, that sucked." So, to atone for myself:
So I went to my therapist, had a crying jag, asked her if I looked fabulous enough to go to my group's holiday party, and went. (I go to an Asperger's support group every week.) The end.
Yes, I am actually this vain IRL. "OH MY GOD MY LIFE SUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS are my eyes all red and puffy i can't go out like that"
I think I was just really, really pissed at quite a few people at work. That's all I'll say about it in public because if I've learned one thing, it's that Google does not forgive. And I think my real name is attached to this anyway (even if all parts of my name are common - to the point where I've seen a dude with both my first and my middle name together at work). Because as soon as I bitched everything out I felt a lot better and could deal with it.
Christmas was awesome. We went to my grandma's. I got a new flatscreen TV (my old one was CRT), although because it's HD I need to upgrade my cable box. I did my best to cockblock my 14-year-old cousin (because while my Uncle Tony is old enough to be a grandfather, I think his oldest son should have the first opportunity, and plus he is 14 he is not old enough to be bringing girlfriends to holiday things), and I may have had some success! Maybe.
At least I postponed Uncle Tony from becoming Grandpa Tony for at least a couple more days.
My parents liked their presents. Mom was fake-surprised...maybe. She had mentioned something to me about Massage Envy, and like the dutiful only son I am, I went out and got a gift card for a massage. I totally managed to surprise my dad, though. (Knicks vs. Sixers, 1/11, section 318.) They also liked my wrapping so much that I spent the entire morning wrapping their gifts.
I fucked up on Jaden's gift (Uncle Tony's youngest). I was upset until I realized Jaden was 8 and wouldn't give a shit (which I was entirely correct about). I mean, I would have given a shit when I was 8, but I've been maturing in reverse anyway.