I'll buy my way to talk to God

Jan 01, 2009 13:26

♠ i would like to write something that makes me feel accomplished and makes me laugh. i am considering trying to ghost-write for a series like Little Critter, but only because i want to feel like kids are enjoying them as much as i did- starting my own series doesn't guarantee anyone will buy the book because they won't know who i am ♠

♠ i should give my mom more breaks. she can't help the way she is ♠

♠ i need to make a b-average this semester, and preferably every semester from now on, if not better ♠

♠ i am going to a doctor to see if there's any kind of medication that could help with a possible learning disability. i've always thought that was a quitter's excuse for laziness, but my last psychiatrist asked that i be tested for what he called "girl ADD", and said it would explain why even isolation and lack of multi-tasking in class doesn't allow me to focus on the lesson. perhaps a little bit of possibly unnecessary medicine can help me pass math- apologies to those who don't agree with that approach ♠

♠ i'd like to stay selective. i think i've done a fairly good job, with the exception of my boyfriend over the summer, of not dating or involving myself with anyone i'm not a huge fan of, and i'd like to stay that way. i see a lot of girls "giving chances" and it's just not how i would like to live my life ♠

♠ i would like to plan a trip before my junior year out of the country, or i am fairly sure i'll go insane. i can't really stay in this country very long if i'm going to be working hard in school- which is the plan ♠

♠ my grandmother has stage 4 cancer and i'd like to throw her a birthday party in the summer with everyone else from the family. this is going to be harder than it sounds, because they all hate each other ♠

♠ i'm pleased with my expanding friend group. i hope it keeps swelling ♠

♠ i'd like to be more fit. at school, i eat a lot of salad and i try to work out. i also changed birth control methods, so now it'll be easier for me to take the weight off. i really do get unhappy when i feel out of shape, and i wish people would stop telling me that i should run or do crunches. some things about my body aren't going to change- i know which things they are ♠

I have mono. I'm taking my little brother to the park and library right now, though.

2009, resolutions, new year
