De do do do do De do do Deee

Nov 28, 2006 23:01

I challenge ( Read more... )

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queenla1 November 30 2006, 06:23:11 UTC
Yeah, that was totally lame. I got a 77 point something. Ox7048 and I are bad at music stuff people think we're supposed to be good trivia, and apparently ear training. Let's claim I was doing what he was doing to make me miss a bunch. OR...OBOES SUCK.


mamaevel December 3 2006, 18:18:53 UTC
i didn't do so well (perhaps because i was also yelling at my mischevious cat) on the is this the same or different test, but on the pitch differentiation test i can detect a 3.5 Hz difference...oh...yeah...


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