Island: A lesson in geography?

Sep 30, 2006 19:51


Um, yeah. I probably should've done this wayyy back in the beginning, but stfu, this can always be added and stuff so there.

SO! A LIST OF SOME of the geographic features of the main island (this list does not apply to Clam Island or any of the little islands surrounding the main one). This list is not definite, and more stuff could always be added onto it later. So don't like, freak out and consider this is set in stone XD Because it's not. FIND NEW THINGS! :OOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Hot springs: This should be self-explanatory, yes? Basically, these are cursed springs. If you fall into one of these, when doused with cold/hot water, you get changed into another form. For example, you might change gender. Or you might turn into an animal. Or you might look like someone else. Or *insert whatever else here*.

Please do NOT abuse this and douse your character into a different hot spring every week so you can play "different" characters and have your character change their personality for an extended period of time. You're here to play the characters you signed up for, and when you go too crazy with your crack, it's not funny anymore. It just gets overdone and it's awkward.

BUT OTHERWISE HAVE FUN 8DDD There are some hot springs that are normal, however.

-Lots and lots of waterfalls: Feel free to take a shower there, and these are very pretty and gorgeous 8D

-Niou Bay: named after the very first character to ever set foot on the Island, Niou Masaharu. Typical bay, lots of caves in the area, and most people might find themselves first landing there.

-Ancient ruins: Lots of them, and there are always weird things to be found there. Being ruins, don't expect to be finding a castle perfect for living there, because you won't 8D But there are plenty of other things that you might find. Stuff that crash landed here, random parts and pieces, all that good stuff. Maybe a mummy or two. Pyramid? Who knows. Who here watched the MUMMY II???? Yeah.

-Giant Labyrinth: I don't know what's there. It's a labyrinth :O It's near the center of the main island, and it's always changing its paths and forms, so if you go in there once, you might not be able to do it again.

-RIVERS! and LOTS of them! Perfect for fishing, so get ready for seafood if your characters haven't already?

-NEVER ENDING SUPPLY OF TREES, YAY 8DDDDDDD If you've seen the recent edition of King Kong, the inner part of the main island looks like the island that King Kong lived (go google or something if you need an image of it). It's VERY bushy, lots and lots and lots of stone caverns, swamps, nasty places, but also pretty trees that might give you a good view if you manage to climb up there. LOTS of tall trees! As well as small ones! The shores of the island has lots of palm trees too (STFU I KNOW THIS DOESN'T MAKE COMMON SENSE BUT WHO CARES XD).

-Swamps: BTW, they move. No, I'm serious. The swamps move. They migrate, so using them for landmarks might be a bad idea for your characters, but funny if you really want them to get lost. I don't know if stuff lives in there or not. Feel free to say so?

-Stone bridges and rope bridges that look really really old and might not be safe 8D Who knows who built them in the first place?

-Animals, duh. LOTS of weird animals 8D The island's very abundant in marine animals, especially, so really, your characters won't go hungry. They would have problems catching food, sure, but really, they're not going to die or anything XD;

-Underground tunnels: Be careful, as the island might have an earthquake if you go poke around them too much 8D It's the Island's way of saying it tickles stfu.

-Volcanos! :O Largely dormant, but will spew out funny stuff every once in awhile. The first eruption we had wayyy back at the beginning gave gummy worms. That gives you an idea of what these volcanos might do, yes? I think someone suggested a glitter volcano once. Oh my 8DDDDDDDD

-A...sister, if you will, of the Whomping Willow 8D IT'S MUCH BIGGER AND MEANER THOUGH? She's pissed that she wasn't included in the Harry Potter books and movies ;_; IT'S NOT HER FAULT THAT SHE'S A LITTLE ON THE BIG-BONED SIDE, OKAY!?!??!?!!? orz, family drama on the island ftw.

-Er, other stuff goes here, because I can't think of all the things right now.

SO YEAH. Don't hesitate to say there are new things you found. A new river, a new ....mountain, a new rock or whatever. This list shouldn't limit you, but just give you some ideas.

You will NOT find anything modern or ready-made, however. So do NOT say you found a house and voila, your characters are moving in. That's annoying D: WTf, not fair to other people.

As for things that the island might give to your characters, ask me individually or something. XD; FOR THE RECORD THOUGH, THE ISLAND WOULD NEVER GIVE YOU ANYTHING BIG, AND DEFINITELY NO WEAPONS 8D Water guns? Yes.


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