Jan 26, 2007 19:53
Will you morons shut the hell up back there? Make me say it once more and the both of you can look forward to a bullet lodged in your degenerate brains. Understand?
I thought there might be something wrong when I tell those two to shut it and I'm then followed by actual genuine silence. Hn. If this is some sort of joke, then I'm not amused; and if this is some sort of youkai trick, then stop wasting my goddamn time. Show yourselves and let's get this over with. If it's neither, then it's more than inconvenient. Last I checked, travelling West wouldn't have us going through an island, and another detour is the last thing we need right now. I'm sick and tired of unnecessary complications showing up everywhere I turn.
...If there's anyone on this waste of floating landmass who has seen a loud, annoying monkey, a horny antennae-haired red-head, and a smiling chauffeur man with a monocle, then kindly tell them to stop fooling around and get their asses back here. Now.
My fan is aching to make contact with the skulls of idiots.
((ooc: I give you Sanzo. Also, for those who don't know, youkai is loosely translated to "demon".))