Feb 27, 2007 18:32
Filtered from Badou and Nill
... Well, now I'm wondering if anyone around here who can die and hasn't already done so has ever just sat down and really thought about dying. Because you're going to, one day, somehow. I'm pretty sure it isn't a common thing to think about, except in passing sometimes, or if you're depressed, or maybe if you're attending a funeral or saw someone else die. Once the shock is over.
It isn't very cheery and it scares a lot of people. Just think about it. One day I'm going to die.
And then what happens? An afterlife? A pipedream. More like rotting in a box six feet under the ground. Insects are going to digest you. If you go with cremation, you're going to end up as some ashes that dissolve into practically nothing when scattered.
So you can say goodbye to the body that you've always known, as well as all your family and friends. Everything you're familiar with. Everything that makes you happy. Gone forever and it's guaranteed you'll either be left with nothing or the unknown - both of which are supposed to be terrifying to people. Which would be worse? Nothing or the unknown?
And then the stuff that's left... the legacy, I guess. What's that supposed to consist of? Family and friends - they're just going to die too, and they'll be taking their memories of you. Actual objects? Time is just going to wreak havoc on them. That stuff will just decay or be destroyed somehow. Not permanent. There are a lot of names who have survived past death, but when you take into account the total amount of people who have lived chances are practically nil that you'll be remembered that long.
Trillions of people have existed, before and after you. Probably more. What makes you so fucking special? Why should you, out of all of them, be remembered after you're dead? Billions of people out there, none of whom give a fuck about you, and the ones who do will forget you one day.
One day I'm going to die. There's supposed to be a finality to those words. One day I'm going to die.
Filtered to Badou
I've gotten some glass from that ship. It's over at the church, so you can use it to make proper windows.
((Italics are NOT thoughts, fyi.))