Journey to the... Pink Volcano?

Mar 24, 2007 11:53

Goku, Hakkai, Gojyo.  We're all taking part in this stupid race.  If the island is going to grant us one wish, then we might as well take this chance to use it to return home.

I want to get there as quickly and painlessly as possible.  Which means.

No slacking.  No complaining that you're hungry.  No goddamn arguing.  No idiocy in general.

Anyone who does otherwise will get a bullet in the brain.  Understood?

Hn.  Now, move it.

((ooc:  Sanzo-ikkou post~.  Anyone who wants to poke at them/try to stop them/etc. is free to do so.  Thread hopping is a go, too.  Since lol there will probably be a lot of arguing between them in general. /o/ ))
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