Okay, lesson of the day:
Never walk into bright red, somewhat suspicious-looking
phone booths, no matter how curious you are. You never know when they might shut behind you and refuse to let you out no matter how hard you try.
Can anyone out there hear me? Or better yet, help me? This is so stupid; I'm glad no one at home can see me like this.
There's not enough room in this thing! Jeez, Gulliver, can't you move to the side a little bit?
((Clark is stuck in a not-very-spacious phone booth with Gulliver; the latter is pressed up against the glass going "O.O". Feel free to stare, laugh, or help (since it only opens from the outside, no matter how superhuman the person on the inside may be? XD; ) In any case, he's stuck in there good and it'll take some effort to help get Clark and Gulliver out.))