♪♪♪ This reeks of something gone strangely wrong
I can't form sentences, only song (ding dong!!)
Only just yesterday we were speaking without reason to rhyme~
and now we have do it all the time~
All the time! All the time we rhyme! \o/
So don't even try talking, or mocking,
my new way of speech!!
The state of anger ain't too hard to reach~
For if you do I'd drag,
your face across the beach~
What would I do?! Yes, drag your face, your pretty little face,
round face across the beeeaaccccchhhhh~~
I totally practice what I preachhhhh~~
((ooc: because I fail at musicals etc, I'll just have Zuko singing in context and moving all broadway-like to the fashion of
Tim Minchin 8D.))