A-Ano... W-Where am I? This is... but I... ! Oh, I remember! I fell from the May Ship! That woman in red with the guitar pushed me... and I was so surprised I was just falling... and then... I don’t remember. I think i blacked out. And then I... woke up here? I must’ve landed on this island, but I don’t recognize this place at all. It’s a... deserted island? Am I here all alone? I must’ve fallen so far...
W-Well, I hope that-- Ah! N-No wait, don’t fight! I-It doesn’t matter whose fault it is...! Kyaa! Necro, please stop! No, don-- .... AH! Y-You set that poor dog on fire! That wasn’t very nice at all! It was completely uncalled for! Poor thing, I’m so sorry. N-Now enough!
Undine, don’t scold me... I didn’t fall on purpose. But being here isn’t anyone’s fault, so please stop arguing! .... Oh, they’re still arguing... They aren’t listening to me anymore... I’m getting a headache.
[[OOC: ENTER DIZZY. She is currently standing on the beach while her "wings" argue.
Here is a reference, sort of. Except they're arguing. Also, there is a flaming dingo running around somewhere. 8D]]