Feb 14, 2008 12:48

HASHIBA -- wait, why is it almost like I'm sparkling when I... it's. What day --

Alright, Matsuri. This is NOT funny at all! I really didn't think you could do something so elaborate...And not to mention how did you get all of these gifts in what used to be our hut.

I woke up. In this outfit.
My hut is gone.

HASHIBAAAAA...WE HAVE A JOB TO DO. And don't try singing this time! That last one was plenty of suffering, and no one should have to go through that again.

...We could always toss these gifts on the beach.

Huh. Who are these people? I've never even MET most of them and I'm supposed to deliver gifts?! ...Alright, everyone. If you can't stand giving Valentine's gifts to anyone on your own, what business do you have getting gifts in the first place?! This is a lot more than we had at home.

Maybe it would help if people pick some of these up?

[[ It's time guys~! Threadhopping is encouraged. HIGLY encouraged. Also, if Sunao or Sora don't get to you at some point, feel free to assume the gifts were given. >: We're REALLY going to try, though.

A list of gifts is here, Pan revamped it all up. Because she is awesome. /o/ The rules other info is here. Once again. Pan is amazing. *A*

All information is in Sunao's journal regarding gifts that characters get. Just look there&OOC post. Uhm. Uhm. Also. ANYONE would have heard a LOUD thud and some CRASHING because Sora and sunao woke up with the GIFTS IN THEIR HUT. Meaning their hut doesn't exist anymore because it would have totally exploded. =D;; FEEL FREE To claim them from the pile that used to be their hut. XD Also, thanks to outfit. he sparkles when he shouts. ): Oh, and Sora's dressed up, too.

Edit: Sunao-mun is going to be /gone/ out of town. Until Sunday evening. I'll tag back, and if you ant to ignore me, ignore me. XD;; night all~ happy threading <3]]
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