Aug 26, 2008 20:41
Jeez...this past week or so was like a freakin' roller coaster. Vampires, hostage situations, festivals....actually, more like this past MONTH, if counting the whole moon crisis and shit. Remind me never to tell this island that I'm bored ever again, yeesh...
I gotta say, that whole war thing? It WAS pretty fun, even if we were all being retarded over a color. Aha, didn't think I'd cause that much damage to the Inn, buuuut it was worth it at the time, I think~ Hope Satsuki's okay too, after that whole blood deal...
Private to self//HACKABLE BY NO MEANS :||||
....looks like I'm too far gone when it comes to her. I tried holding it off, but...looks like I'm more of a sap than I thought. Just hope Keiko never comes around, or else that'd be all kinds of awkward...
.......huh. Those are some really cheery looking clouds. Better not be having one of those monsoon things again....
((SO. After the whole WAAAAARRRR!111, Satsuki-nearly-ending him, and ~FESTIVAL FUN TIME~ and finally getting sum MAKO ACTIIIION--I MEAN--, Yusuke's...just taking a much needed lazy-tiem cloud watching break /o/ Feel free to join/talk/etc. THOUGH IF YOU'RE JIN OR JUNPEI YOU'RE GOING TO BE ENDED FOR VOYUERING HIM AT THE BOATS :||||b HEADING OFF TO SLEEPY-LAND ;-;// will tag back later o/))
[yu yu hakusho] urameshi yusuke