Nov 05, 2008 17:15

[You arrive for your date. You may or may not have noticed somewhere near the meeting point there is a table, two chairs, and a very elegant spread of delicious food and drinks! Whoever set this up obviously has way too much time on their hands and WANTS YOU TO BE VERY COMFORTABLE so sit back and wait for your date.]

[ooc; Blind date spam post, since this is what we all agreed on in chat! At every table there is; a spread of delicious dinner food, dessert, a pitcher of water, and a bottle of wine! And glasses and utensils etc you already knew those were there.

•The DINNER FOOD is totally normal. You'll get no side effects from consuming that.
•The DESSERT is made from bright red love-love berries. However, there's not a lot so how potent the effect is is up to you!
•The WINE/JUICE is a special kind Renge made herself. It is a mash of red and dark red berries (more on the bright red spectrum if you're character is young). IT IS VERY POTENT, DRINKING IT LEAVES YOU NOT UNLIKE BEING MOE NOTED.
•If you're a pussy, there's still the water. That's totally normal.

Please label your threads with the pairing in the subject line, like "STARK/SAYUKA" or "FLAY/CHII" so we all know who to stalk, and feel free to move your threads to journals if it gets to laggy. I think that's it! GO DATE.]
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