Fandom's House/Wilson* fixation left me with absolutely no idea that something was going on between Cameron & Foreman. In which episode did Foreman first say
that Cameron was a colleague, not a friend? It has to be in the most recent ten--I've watched all of the series up to episode 12--and I don't think it's in 15-17, unless the people I was reading spoilers from care even less about things that aren't House/Wilson than I thought. :D Anyone know?
But, man.
It was pretty obvious that the biggest reason House avoids talking to his patients is that he cares about people** too easily & he'd have some trouble doing dangerous things to people he cares about, not just that he hates everyone. There were some signs of it with Stacy, when he said that of course he'd cut his leg off if it'd save her. I'm glad he proved it with Foreman. (Although I wasn't expecting it to affect him quite so much as it did.)
Also, regarding the end of that recent episode, I'm hoping that Foreman is able to regain the full use of his body, firstly, and secondly to get past Cameron's decision emotionally. He tries so hard to show that he's not House, that he's a better man; if that doesn't hold, it'll be too disappointing.
*OK, dude, even if I didn't think that was the most platonic close relationship between two males since the Golden Pair, even if it were small and hadn't annoyed me with being unavoidable everywhere ever, I still would not go for it. I can't even remember what Wilson looks like because whenever he's on screen, the only thing I can see is his EYEBROWS. Some years ago he was in some movie about, like, not marrying the woman you love (I think 'innocence' was in the title?) & he was younger then and only had a very small role, but I immediately recognised him because of those EYEBROWS. It's really kind of gross, and it's definitely distracting. It's more distracting than Cuddy's breasts on full display in a cocktail dress. But in a bad way! :((
**And that is completely different from liking them--it's like, if two people were in mortal peril, and you could save one and only one of them, would you choose the guy you've never seen before or the guy who used to be sort of a friend but did something to make you hate him and refuse to talk to him again? I wouldn't hesitate to save the guy I hate over the guy I don't know, because even though I have negative feelings, I still care about him. I imagine that's fairly universal?
In other news, there's one of those numbered challenges communities for things like hooker AUs, genderswap, apocalypse, and "woke up gay":
wtf27. :D